Extra/Bonus species in a settlement

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Orion Kaelin

For a bit of variety and/or complexity or difficulty have modes or rewards that can add the other species, outside the normal three, to a settlement.

- As a mode or difficulty it would just make it so that all species could show up as settlers or in rewards or glade events.
May need to balance how resolve works with this so that the benefit of having more specialized workers in appropriate buildings doesn't outweigh the difficulty of keeping them happy.

- As a reward based addition I imagine that in any normal game you could have an order or glade event that may provide an additional species you don't have upon its completion.
But unlike the unlimited amount you can aquire of the base species you cannot continue receive more members of the bonus species hard capping their numbers at 2-4 or so and the same species wont show up as a reward again for the rest of the round.
So it's possible to get all species in a single round, but the bonus species outside of the base three are very limited in population amount.