Skip text&tutorial

  • Done

David Bodor

Let me jump straight into the game, the dialogue text boxes are unskippable and the skip tutorial button doesn't do enough skipping. There should be an option to click play and go immediately into the first cycle instead of the tutorials. It shouldn't start the tutorial unless we specifically click to play the tutorial.


Activity Newest / Oldest


Aron Pietron

Status changed to: Done


Aron Pietron

Hey there! There already is an option to do this - when on a fresh profile (still in the tutorial), you can choose the "skip tutorial" option in the options (from the main menu). Although I must admit it is a bit hidden and we might need to bump it up a bit (or move to the profiles screen).


Could this be developed further? I started a new profile and even though I could cancel the first two settlements I had to sit through the tutorial when it explains how select caravans and level up upgrades etc.
Would really like to skip straight to the gameplay.
Maybe an options like "Have you played before and want to jump straight in?"