Trader UI / Time Limit Indicator

  • Done

Blake Fry

Hello! I've been absolutely entranced by this game since the moment I began playing in December. One small feature I'd like to request is a small unobtrusive addition to the main UI when a trader is present! Perhaps a small icon showing who the trader is and how long they'll be there for through some sort of progressing meter or bar that lies outside of the UI within the trading post. Something you can track at a glance without clicking into the trading shop.

Thanks for all the work you do!


Activity Newest / Oldest


Aron Pietron

Status changed to: Done


Aron Pietron

Hi! This is already in the game. Every time a trader arrives, a round avatar icon with a timer (progress bar) is displayed above the trading post + a notification on the right side of the screen. Even if you move the camera, this icon will remain on the edge of the screen, pointing to the trading post.