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Hi If my workers/builders are idle, it would be really swell if they'd rest around decorations near their workplace. This...
Hey I couldn't find you on Youtube? I’ll keep this short—People find you better across the web with YouTube. Even if you...
The advanced camps are layers upon layers of rng. The blueprint is so random to get and you don't even know what you'll get or...
There's still only a single portrait each of female humans, harpies and foxes and male lizards, beavers and frogs, which are...
There should be an option to select which item to collect first from events or fishing instead of needing to collect all of the...
Something as simple as +1 reputation point required to win (and you can set it as high as you want), similar to other games...
Just a record of your past scores + breakdown
Because the player does not get the blueprint for buildings that are ruins, I suggest that they get a different warning message...
The animation in the new update is nice and all, but the sound is so annoying. Maybe a toggle button in settings, pretty please?