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it should be on the open side :D
When finishing an event the assigned citizen(s) seem to grab items in the order listed. This is a problem when time is short...
If you print important documents on WATERPROOF NON-TEAR SCRATCH-PROOF paper, you SAVE TREES. We produce WORLD’S TOUGHEST...
its way to hard on prestige 15+.... if its ur first glade its 99% gg if ur not lucky.
As shown by the two screenshots, when you have surplus housing a number shows in the top left to indicate that. But there is no...
I don't use the remove tool on roads often, but when I do, it's a pain to click each individual section I want removed....
A button to receive all the rewards for all my completed deeds (vs. clicking through each one to get each reward)
There should be an option for production limits and minimum reserve settings to persist between expeditions. I agree that there...
As it is right now, a single click on a worker's icon in a building fires them... I propose that click once instead puts...
I have been adoring Against the Storm ever since I got it last week, but I honestly wish we could interact for more characters...