Add workers to a non completed structure

  • Done

Peter Boomsma

When I place a structure I want to add workers to it so when the structure is complete they will work in it.

The placed workers should still be available to construct other buildings etc, but should not be available to place in other buildings since they are already assigned a job.


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Aron Pietron

Status changed to: Done


Aron Pietron

Status changed to: In progress


Currently while a building is being constructed you can change recipe inputs and limits.

As it currently stands you cannot assign workers, which can be annoying to set your recipes but then have to come back to the building again to assign workers. This often feels like it defeats the purpose for changing the building while it's being built as you have to go back anyways.

It would be nice if we could assign workers to a building before it's completion and have them automatically go there once it's done.

Amazing game btw!


Aron Pietron

Merged with: Preassign workers to buildings in construction



Could there be a way to queue workers to immediately go to a specific building when it's completed? Currently I'm getting a pavlovian "Here completion sound, pause game!" response, so it'd be great if I could just tell the specific workers to be assigned when they can be.


Aron Pietron

Merged with: Autoqueue workers



would be especially handy for woodcutters right at the start of the game. Sometimes I find myself pausing a second too early trying to assign workers to a 98% completed camp.


How about the existing priority function?



Don't think that works in the way I'm thinking (i.e. "shift+click" a worker to send them to a location, even while it's in production), but please let me know if there is a way to do that already!