Sometimes, resourses are hard to notice. A button, to light up all resourses in map would be nice.
22-07-2023 -
Newest / Oldest
Aron Pietron
Status changed to:
Aron Pietron
Hey there! As Brent mentioned in the comment below - there already is a overlay in the game for this. Simply press and hold the B key and all resopurces on the map will light up. You can also change that to another key in the Options menu.
Activity Newest / Oldest
Aron Pietron
Status changed to: Done
Aron Pietron
Hey there! As Brent mentioned in the comment below - there already is a overlay in the game for this. Simply press and hold the B key and all resopurces on the map will light up. You can also change that to another key in the Options menu.
Brent OBrien
B, by default, I think... Check your hotkey bindings. They thought of everything.