Dangerous/Forbidden Glade event timers

  • Done

Michael Collins

I think that it would be useful to have a timer for glade events be displayed in text - similar to how timed orders are displayed in the order tracking list.

This should have both the time until the event explodes, as well as the investigate progress time (once that starts).

I'm not sure if it should go on the right side or left side of the screen.


Activity Newest / Oldest


Aron Pietron

Status changed to: Done


Aron Pietron

In today's update (0.52 - Quality of Life Update) we added a progress bar above glade events. You can see it when in the worker overlay (ALT by default).


A timer or progress bar on events (glade, caches...), currently requires to go back and forth and select the event to track timings, would feel more streamlined if easily visible on the map


Aron Pietron

Merged with: Visual Timer For Events


Definitely needed, checking all the time is not fun gameplay



Another way to handle this could be to have a specific overview window for every glade event discovered. Kinda like the trade route window. Not only for quickly checking on the progress, but also to check what else is available. you can jump between caches of the same size, but that won't help me find out if I have a smaller or bigger option to consider as well.



With the option to display/hide those timers.


Filip Kudroń

And crates!

I have found my self thinking about this on multiple occasions. Especially late game when I can have multiple crates being opened, I'd like to have timers(end even better if these were progress bars) displayed somewhere near the orders area (maybe even above)


Michael Collins

Also, I have seen the suggestion to have a complete list with all glade events. This would likely be a report menu (ala Recipes), where it lists all glade events - dangerous/forbidden events, caches, encampments, ghosts, etc.

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