Hauler isn't that good

  • Done

Roman Boyar

After trying it for a few games, It just isn't good enough to pick as a plan, and even when I have had it out, its area of effect is a little too small. Yes I usually have concentrated industrial districts around my warehouses, but that it doesn't cover the area of the hearth limits it somewhat if you have camps or farms placed elsewhere.


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Aron Pietron

Status changed to: Done


Aron Pietron

Hey there! In the most recent update, we removed the Hauler Station from the game and moved haulers to warehouses.



While Small Haulers feel pretty balanced for how cheap they are to find in glades, I do agree that Large Haulers could do with an upgrade. I've seen some people on the subreddit talking about how increasing the carry capacity or speed of villagers working from the Large Haulers, and I feel like this could be a good improvement.

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