Housing amount left

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Andrew Root

A housing widget, that shows amount of housing left, on the left would be appreciated


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Aron Pietron

Merged with: Housing supply


Joe D

Can we have a notice or detail of how many available housing spots are open. If I over build houses or lose people it can be difficult to tell how many people i can take before getting before getting homeless people.

Thank you


Aron Pietron

Merged with: Sum of beds


As in title it will be lovely to see sum of all beds for city people.



There are little numbers inside the housing icons, in the upper left corner Surplus are shown there


Aron Pietron

Status changed to: Done


Aron Pietron

Status changed to: In progress


Aron Pietron

Merged with: UI Request - housing


James Ruggiero

It would be nice to know how many residences and what type you have. It can be tedious to count them out. Especially if you save and come back to a settlement.

TY - fun game btw


When I have 4 shelters with 3 slots each, and 11 people living there, there should be some way of knowing that I can take 1 more before needing to build additional housing. Right now there's no way to get a count of available beds.


Aron Pietron

Merged with: Homeless counter needs to show how many housing units are available


Robert Lance

There is, I'm not the best at describing but I'll attempt.

It perhaps isn't the most visible, but if you look in the upper left-hand corner where your species resolve information is, it's there. More specifically, if you expand any particular species tab, the first little cube in the top left of the panel denotes how much resolve bonus that species is getting from non-specific housing in the lower right of the cube, e.g. +2. In the upper left of that cube, if there is a number, such as 2,7, etc., that denotes those are available beds. A lack of number means a shortage of beds exist. Hovering over the icon with the cursor will supply a detailed breakdown.


You can see # of buildings of each type from the building selection in the UI. That's what those numbers mean. Of course, you have to sum up the number of each type to get the total number, but I'm not sure why that matters

If you want to know how many total people you can house, the species resolve in top left does show available spots for total housing and species specific housing, if there is any.


Aron Pietron

Merged with: Free space home indicator



Add an indicator that displays the number of free places in all houses.
For example: I have 8 settlers, 3 shelters, the indicator will show that there are 1 free places


Hi, I want to be able to see what is my current total population vs the number of available housing, im just making houses and hoping I have enough space everytime I accept new villagers


Aron Pietron


Aron Pietron

Merged with: UI request


c w

Up in the top left corner where it indicates population, builders and homeless. Could you add a fourth icon to indicate available housing slots that are not in use?


I frequently have to do mental math to add up the total number of house slots I have when deciding whether to accept newcomers or build new houses first. Would be great if there was a number somewhere showing "capacity used / total capacity"

Species-specific housing could complicate this a little bit, but possibly mousing over the number could show the detailed info broken out, e.g. say you had 7 humans, 7 beavers, 2 human houses, and 4 shelters in your town it would say:
Generic housing: 10/12
Human housing: 4/4


Aron Pietron

Merged with: Show total home capacity


It would be nice if you could have a indicator for how many empty spaces you have in homes. Like hovering the mouse over the homeless icon to see how much free space you have. That way when you start getting a more population, you can plan instead of react when you get new settlers.


Aron Pietron

Merged with: Available Homes


Aron Pietron

Merged with: Number of Free Living Spots


An icon showing the number of unused house spots for workers, that way I don't have to check all houses to decide to build more before accepting new villagers.


could add the option when mousing over homeless it shows how many slots for each type of unlocked house are available.


The housing icons in the needs panels for each species show numbers at the top if there is still unused capacity in generic or species-specific housing. Mousing over them gives the detailed info you request.

  • A

Ah! I hadn't considered checking there. Thank you for the tip :)

I will still leave the suggestion open, because it feels a bit cumbersome (and unintuitive IMO) to open the needs panels to find this info. Maybe a mouse-over tooltip on the top-level Homeless icon could present the information?


Alan Levy

Agreed, it would be nice if there was an indicator next to the homeless indicator in the top left that said how many open housing spots were available, and then maybe on mouseover, it can provide breakdowns of general vs. species specific spots.


Mike Huisman

You actually can see the available housing you have...
Open the "Species Panel" and hover over the basic (or advanced) housing. It will tell you the available, the affected (using that housing) or unaffected (not using it which would be homeless if looking at the basic housing)


Der Smeller

Yeah, but it shouldn't be hidden like that. Just have it right were your homeless ppl are listed. A mouseover is totally sufficient. I only found that by accident.


Patrick McKeon

Add someway to see the population and available housing. I see the first part exists, but I hate having to click through houses to see whom is living where.


Aron Pietron

Merged with: Population vs available housing


This way I'll know how many available houses I have so I can stay ahead of homelessness. Amazing game, everyone!


Aron Pietron

Merged with: I would like to see available housing in the top right corner with population


Show the amount of empty spot in houses on the HUD please


Aron Pietron


Nora Clark

I find myself having to count how many houses I have in order to determine how many available housing spaces I have vs how many citizens.
It would be nice if this was automated. Maybe up at the top where the number of unhoused citizens are tallied, a number of general housing slots could be added as well? Or for species specific housing, a tab similar to the consumption or recipes tab?



Actually, you can mouseover "Basic housing" and "Race housing" icons for each race, in race details (on the top left of the screen)
Tooltip shows available and used housing


Roman Boyar

It does. If you expand the species requirements, you can see how many empty houses there are of general or species specific housing in a small white number over the housing requirement.

  • A

Aron Pietron

Merged with: Population Space


Hey team,

I hope you're well.

Instead of homeless, is it possible to update the widget so that it shows population/current max housing spaces?

I understand it might be difficult, what with each race having unique homes.

Amazing game :)

Thank you,


Aron Pietron

Merged with: The new UI for homelessness is great... but...


There are 2 more numbers I would like to see at a glance related to homes. Empty space available and how many have upgraded houses. I find myself (especially during storms) double and triple checking available space before I accept newcomers, since there are several killer traits. Secondly I find myself having to open up each race sub-menu and hovering over which ones don't yet have upgraded houses. If this is info I could get by just hovering over the homelessness icon, that would be lovely.


Aron Pietron

Merged with: Track total empty beds


Nunzio Thron

I want to see a single number somewhere that shows me how many people I could sleep in my existing houses before I have to build more. I sometimes like building new houses during Storm in preparation for newcomers in Drizzle, and it is annoying to figure out how much overhead I have already (I haven't found a better way than scrolling through all the houses individually and counting empty slots).


River Brawn

It would be a nice quality of life adjustment if at the top left of the screen above the species tabs and next to the other markers, (total workers, total available, how many homeless) it showed available living space. Maybe even have a drop down (like you do for resources) for what specific housing is available. Simple enough but would help alot! thanks for the read.


Aron Pietron

Merged with: Living space available


Lord Dracon

It's not what you're looking for but if you look at the workers needs section and hover your cursor over the housing/advanced housing it will tell you how many slots are available in each, though housing includes advanced housing

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River Brawn

Oh wow! I can't believe I didn't see that, thank you for pointing that out. That is for sure better than nothing.



If you open the three panes in the top left for your three races to see their needs, the housing need has two numbers on it. One is the bonus provided to that species for housing: +3, +2, +1, or invisible (zero). The other number is your total extra housing of that type. So if you have 5 lizards, 5 humans, one large shelter, and three lizard houses, you have one extra general housing and one extra lizard housing--the number "1" will appear in the pane for normal housing and for lizard housing, opposite the respective +3's.


It's true, I hope they think it through more thoroughly once they get to updating the UI. There's also the consideration of too much info which would clutter the UI, so there's a lot of prioritization involved to figure out what info is important and what info is too much.

I agree with displaying e.g. 38/42 instead of 0 homeless. Would solve 2 problems in one shot.


thegreedy turtle

There's actually something for each race showing if they are in racial housing. We need the general housing to be something similar.