More zoom out in settlement mode

  • Done

Michael Collins

Once you start opening glades, putting down makeshift hearths and other buildings around the map, you have a scroll around on the map a lot; and even at the current max zoom out, it takes a fair amount of time.

It would be useful if you could zoom out more, then move/center the map by clicking around, and zoom back in to the area you're interested in.

At max zoom out, the map could also be more abstracted (i.e. have less detail), and only show outline of buildings / icons for major buildings events (such as the main hearth, major events that have a countdown timer, minor events such as caches that are actively being worked on, etc.). Humankind has a zoom out feature like what I'm describing here.


Activity Newest / Oldest


Aron Pietron

Status changed to: Done


Aron Pietron

Status changed to: In progress


David Chytka

It is a great game, but its user ergonomics significantly negatively affects the absence of greater distance of view of the settlement. I am surprised that this functionality has no greater priority despite the fact that it has been massively discussed for two years.


its been over 2 years


Marek Hlava

Playing on BFG displays, this is a must. I don't care about performance, just give me the option to zoom out properly.


i want to zoom out more so i can see the whole settlement.

also, i want to visit the world map when in the settlement map so I can take a screenshot of it.


Aron Pietron


Aron Pietron


i want to zoom out more so i can see the whole settlement.

also, i want to visit the world map when in the settlement map so I can take a screenshot of it.


Attila Kővári

I would like more zoom options to make the city clearer


Aron Pietron

Merged with: More zooming out


Maxim Nuriev

GPU left the chat)


Umbra TuSlayer

If compromises the illusion of a forest is the issue, why not have rivers, cliffs or denser trees as the edge. It could even be base on the surrounding tiles from the world map.


Aron Pietron



Zoom out is too small right now and in bigger village there's to much scrolling. Also some kind of overview screen would be nice, with simple colours and icons, like in Civ.


Allow us to zoom out much farther or see an overview of my settlement (during normal play, building a settlement after embarking).

When the settlement spans many screens it's difficult to navigate across the disparate sections.


Aron Pietron

Merged with: Zoom out farther or world map


Aron Pietron


Can we have a full birds eye view of the map? Sometimes I have to scroll all over just to find one of my buildings because I don't know where it is


Aron Pietron

Merged with: Larger zoom-out



It would be great to be able to zoom out more and be able to see a larger field of view. This is especially useful in the later stages where larger parts have been explored


Aron Pietron

Merged with: Further zoom in settlement



It would be nice if you could zoom out just a bit further, when playing a settlement. When the settlement grows, it can sometimes seem a bit cramped, and the ability to zoom out further would give a better overview of the map.


Aron Pietron

Merged with: Further zoom in settlement



It would be nice if you could zoom out just a bit further, when playing a settlement. When the settlement grows, it can sometimes seem a bit cramped, and the ability to zoom out further would give a better overview of the map.


Kenneth Feldman

or a minimap. simplifies the work needed to strategize. its annoying to not be able to see the whole map at a glance.


Aron Pietron

Merged with: Should be able to zoom out further


Aron Pietron

Merged with: Greater zoom


Zoom out more! The current zoom isn't enough to see even a fraction of the glades and events once you get past settler difficulty



I'd like to play at one level further zoomed out 90% of the time, and have several further zoom out levels for times when I'm trying to plan a path to a Forbidden glade, etc. I currently play 100% of the time at the furthest zoom-out possible, and it feels insufficient. Everything is still too close. I want to see more at once. More like how an RTS zooms: Starcraft, Warcraft 4, Age of Empires, they defaulted to a more zoomed out level, I'd prefer something closer to their zoom for my default.


just use a mod. they might never add this because it compromises the illusion of a forest when you can see the map edges.


+1, moving buildings around would be so much easier, among other things of course


Richard Buckalew

Please! It feels so limiting; it's the very first thing I noticed when I started playing.


It would be nice to zoom all the way out to see the entire map. Instead of zooming out at current max and scrolling around for Forbidden Glaves. Just to help give some direction for the beginning of a town.


Patrick LEGAT

Thanks for this nice game. I have a 21/9 screen, 3840x1600 pixels. It would be nice to have a little more zoom out.


Luke | Eremite

Merged with: Little more Zoom out please


Zachariah Bauermeister

would like to be able to zoom out far enough to see the whole settlement. Could be a setting if it causes perf issues or something


Luke | Eremite

Merged with: Zoom out further


Luke | Eremite

Merged with: Would like to be able to see more of the map at once.


Being able to zoom out further, having a dedicated map button, etc. would make it easier figuring out where to place hearths.


I'd just like to be able to zoom out further or observe the whole map from a sky-high PoV, similar to how Total War zoom out works. This would allow layouts to be better observed and better organization of settlements... that and it can be a touch difficult to orient oneself.


Luke | Eremite

Merged with: Increased Zoom


Ramdan Sélim

With a 42" screen it could be more pleasant if you allow us to zoom out further


Luke | Eremite

Merged with: More zoom out possibilities for big screen


Kevin Fleischman

I would love to be able to zoom out even just a bit further. The game feels kind of claustrophobic when I'm not able to zoom out and get a better sense of my settlements.


Luke | Eremite

Merged with: Let us zoom out further!


Luke | Eremite

Merged with: Zooming


dombie brains

can we zoom out further please?


The ability to zoom out further, and less angle restriction (the ability to view top down, for example)


Luke | Eremite

Merged with: More camera freedom


Luke | Eremite

Merged with: Farther zoom out!


I just want to be able to zoom out farther.


Khalid Al-Busairi

Would love to be able to zoom out some more, as well as a button to center the camera to my hearth.


Luke | Eremite

Merged with: Camera Features


Luke | Eremite

Hey! It is already possible to center the camera on Hearh by pressing H (by default). We also keep in mind that zooming out further is a highly requested feature.

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Luke | Eremite


I find it that when I'm playing longer than the expedition for fun, it has become a bit annoying having to aggressively look around everywhere on my screen with all my controls. I think it would be great if you could zoom out more or maybe make it so you can zoom out more depending on the amount of glades you have completed (or something of the sort).


Kira Kyoushu

Please! I love this game but I'm really starting to find this frustrating my stupid eyes take forever to find specific buildings T.T


Hourousha Mokujin

Zoom out to the point we can see *every* glade on the map. Even a simple displaying showing what's been opened and what is closed would make a *huge* difference.

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Bryon Allgood

YES. Having a large settlement is very difficult to manage because of this


Was about to make the same suggestion. More zoom out would be awesome.


and just have a minimap in one of the corners would be nice too



I think an automatic feature that lets you zoom out more as your settlement gets bigger would fit in well here!


yea, agree, being able to see all resources in a single view would be nice


I'm curious, what is the hold up on this? I'm truly ignorant on why this would take over a year to implement. Really enjoying the game, keep it up!

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Aron Pietron

Merged with: Wider Field of View


Olivia Nielson

Not a huge ask, but would love to be able to zoom out further to be able to keep better track of where everything is and what I've already built :) thank you guys!


Aron Pietron

Merged with: Larger field of view


I think it'd be great if we could view from a better distance than given currently. I'd like to be able to see the full area of the place im working to see where glades are, where my stuff is, versus the current of having to go around the entire map


Steve Sarkes

It would be great to zoom out even more to see more of the world on the screen.


Aron Pietron


Leonard Young-LeJeune

Please. I really enjoy these kind of games but they often have a zoom that is so close. I would like to zoom out enough to see an overview of everything!


Aron Pietron

Merged with: Zoom out more!!!



I'm doing far too much scrolling. Still needs more zoom out.


Eisen Montalvo

I agree with you. I hope for this when playing.


Shigeki Miyake-Stoner

Second this, I just added a suggestion of a minimap. For the settlement though, not for the overworld...


Stephen Kittel

Came here to request exactly this. Let me zoom out or have a mini-map. I don't need both. But it always feels like we're very zoomed in, and that limits the scope of what I can monitor.


Zachariah Bauermeister

ah, just found a duplicate of this, will upvote that one


Aron Pietron

Merged with: Bigger zoom out


I would love the possibility to zoom out one or two levels more to see more (or even whole) of the area/campaign map.


Aron Pietron

Merged with: Sight distance adjust



Wanna see more things in my screen please,dunno how to discribe,hope u can understand=v=


Yusuf O

On Large monitors it would be nice to zoom out upto maybe +30% on current limit


Aron Pietron

Merged with: Allow zooming out further


I would also like more zoom, and there are many systems out there that can handle the performance. It would just be nice to have the option to max zoom. Leave it as an option for those whos machines cant handle it. However, I see in Steam that this is not on your radar because of performance. So why do we suggest and vote on it? I havent played in months, came back with hopes it was here. It is not. Guess it will be awhile before I play again. I feel like we have voted enough for change. Otherwise, this is pointless.

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Carolina Wikholm

Please sir, may I have some more zoom?

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thegreedy turtle

Please sir, may I have some more zoom?

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Aron Pietron

Merged with: Отдаление камеры


Евгений Суслов

Увеличить расстояние отдаления камеры в 3 раза


thegreedy turtle

I'd like to say to not bother with an abstracted zoom. If you want to change it up later, fine, but right now I just need a little bit more juice.


Aron Pietron

Merged with: Max Camera Zoom Unlock


thegreedy turtle

Can you add an option to let us zoom the camera out much farther?

Feel free to put it in graphics as experimental if you are worried about framerate loss or whatever.


Aron Pietron

Merged with: Zoom out further


Would really like to be able to zoom out further or get some sort of aerial view of the entire available area


Scott Benz

Additionally, adding a shortcut to be able to reset your view to the default would be awesome

  • A

Aron Pietron

Merged with: Larger Zoom Out


Ability to zoom out more would be very helpful on assessing map and deciding which direction I should grow my village.


Aron Pietron

Merged with: Higher zoom out


jon wehling

I like the level of detail, but sometimes find I want to zoom out a bit further. Typically I find I want about 2-3 glades across max, so I can zoom-out zoom-in and keep roughly 13-1/2 the full game map on screen at once. A full zoom out seems a little spell breaking.


Maksym Kochanski

Need this badly - I play on 65" oled and it is painful even from distance - waste of view - it would be amazing to have more zoom out - more control - less scrolling and panning - some extra minimap with explored area would be great too - just so we can sort of navigate easier. after couple hours on each and every map you waste so much time scrolling - most of the time I go to building type and press arrow so it jumps to that building type - quicker but thats a workaround not problem solver.

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Daniel Woodman

I've seen a lot of comments on this online. And I have seen the response that it is performance related. A mini-map would be a great interim step. (It doesn't solve the "I want to see my civilization as a whole" issue, but it would solve some of the difficulties in navigating around. Could I also suggest hotkeying map locations? I am thinking of Age of Empires where you can click on an element, ctrl-click-number to assign it a number, then jump to that element by clicking the number. That makes it easy to jump around the map without having to remember where things are.


Jan Vrbinc

i also find myself wanting to zoom out at least a bit more quite often. Feels a tad too restrictive the way it is now.
I know the "Alt button" overlay would be harder to make sense of, but even if that was entirely disabled at higher zoom outs, id still take that


Kerry Te Punga MacKay

Maybe add M3 (middle mouse button) be click and drag map scrolling (Cant remember specifically but I've played other games that do this)

also centering the zoom on the curser is quite nice for navigation


Shiroi Daruma

100% agree, just came on here to ask for this future. The zoom out really isn't that far atm.



Yes please, the eyestrain is real. If I have to turn down settings a bit to use it then so be it.