Other Companies and Citadel Upgrades

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Dustin Contreras

I think it would feel better if the other companies' efforts were felt at the Citadel. Right now the player is the only one that actually upgrades the citadel and that feels a bit off given that the lore indicates that the Queen is all and we should all give her our bounty. To make this feel more consistent, I propose citadel upgrades being split in two. Building upgrades and mechanical upgrades. Building upgrades are global and are what open up future buildings to purchase, each building can only be bought once by one company. Mechanical upgrades are personal and can be bought by each company once.

When someone buys a building on the upgrade track, that building and it's fundamental mechanics are unlocked for everyone and anyone can now buy the next building in line. The actual upgrade(s) that building gives however is a personal upgrade. To elaborate on this a bit, if another company builds archives 1, I can now build archives 2 and have deeds unlocked, but I do not have reduced impatience growth unless I pay some resources to unlock that at archives 1.

Than just have a company build a new building after X (X being a formula rather than a static number) new cities and the player can feel like they are helping out a bit. Ideally this gets expanded on in the future and I have plenty of ideas on that, but this feels like the easiest application to slap the mechanic in and iterate on over time. The core idea is just to have the other companies be upgrading the city with you.


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Dustin Contreras

I also feel like this could be leveraged into a resource sink late game with some tweaking. Like making some buildings unlock mechanical upgrades that are temporary bonuses or repeatable bonuses instead of just permanent things.