It would be nice to be able to drag some resource count indications to a permanent ui feature. Some maps you are waiting for x tools or burning a fuel which might run out, and it would be nice to be able to keep an easy constant direct view on it.
The current resource display is neat but frankly most of the resources I do not care about seeing all the time, and some I want to be seeing at al times. The ones I always want to be seeing are usually spread across multiple "tabs".
I think a neat solution would be that if you right click and pin specific resources (like let's say planks, coal, amber and roots), they get shown in a separate "pinned" category that you can then open and only look at these resources, instead of having to constantly switch between categories.
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Aron Pietron
Status changed to: Done
It would be nice to be able to drag some resource count indications to a permanent ui feature. Some maps you are waiting for x tools or burning a fuel which might run out, and it would be nice to be able to keep an easy constant direct view on it.
Aron Pietron
Merged with: Resource hotbar
Aron Pietron
Merged with: Pinnable resources on UI
The top GUI bar has a list of all the resource categories and you click on them to see the inventory of each item in that category.
It would be really nice to be able to pin some of these items so they never hide.
great idea
The current resource display is neat but frankly most of the resources I do not care about seeing all the time, and some I want to be seeing at al times. The ones I always want to be seeing are usually spread across multiple "tabs".
I think a neat solution would be that if you right click and pin specific resources (like let's say planks, coal, amber and roots), they get shown in a separate "pinned" category that you can then open and only look at these resources, instead of having to constantly switch between categories.
Aron Pietron
Merged with: Separate pinned resource category on top
I've just gotten into the habit of clicking on my main warehouse to check my stocks instead.