Remove eating multiple complex foods

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Zane Warner

When villagers rest, they should only eat a single complex food from the ones available, but get their resolve boosted by all. Under the current system, with food typically acting as the most pressing constraint in the prestiges, the player seems disincentivized from building richer and more complex economies by the fact that making multiple complex foods available to a species increases their total food consumption.

It makes for less interesting runs when it's a common pattern for all of my villagers to e.g. only eat porridge for 3/4ths of a run. Not only by discouraging building as complex of economies, but also because, with less resolve available due to multiple complex foods being disincentivized, the village can withstand less hostility and is also disincentivized from opening as many glades. I believe changing this would lead to more interesting towns with more dynamic gameplay