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Aron Pietron

Welcome to the Against the Storm Feedback Board. Here you can post your suggestions for future changes to the game, as well as vote for features requested by other community members.

The purpose of this board is to serve as a guide for future changes and additions to the game. Although not everything will make it into the final product (due to factors like limited resources, technical problems or a conflict with our design principles), Against the Storm is very much a community driven game and we will try to incorporate as much feedback as possible.

The general principles:

  1. Please keep the title short and descriptive, and use the “details” section to further elaborate on your idea/feedback.
  2. Please try and avoid repeating already posted suggestions. Notice, that when typing something in the “title” section of a new suggestion, the site automatically filters through already existing posts.
  3. Use the vote feature and comment on posts. This is the main way we will determine if a feature or change is highly requested by the community, or something that can wait a bit longer before we consider it.
  4. Notice that all posts have a status (“open”, “under consideration”, “in progress”, etc.). These indicate what is currently happening with a given topic
    • open - it’s waiting/not yet reviewed/collecting upvotes under consideration - we’re actively talking about it in the studio
    • planned - the suggestion will be implemented and is planned for a future release
    • in progress - we’re on it!
    • done - the suggestion is implemented and released
    • unlikely - the suggestion is put on hold, we’re unlikely to implement it
  5. You can filter suggestions based on category and status, as well as sort them (Trending, Top, Newest, Olders).


Activity Newest / Oldest


Ethan Wood

hello team,
Is it possible to add a mode in which the reward of accumulated reputation will be the choice of any blueprint?


Hello! Would like to suggest expanding the functionality of the [SHIFT] button. The [SHIFT] button lets you put down multiple orders to build the same structure.

I would like to suggest that holding the SHIFT button down, and then clicking on a completed structure, would let you immediately select the build order for that structure. So you don't have to open the menu again and navigate towards building the structure.

e.g. if I press down SHIFT and then click a Shelter, I can immediately build Shelters.


EDIT: Not specifically the Shelters, but more of the Industrial Structures. I just remembered Shelters can be set down in multiples.


Ribka Karasyk

I want to suggest a new race
Forest specialization - 50% escape rate with poor morale.
Hearthkeeper Specialization - Increased Movement Speed
Production bonuses: Pleasure when working with the garden. +10% if the building has a water engine.
At the end of the game there are a lot of roofs of houses and workshops. It's annoying. To relieve some of the pressure on the area, houses for moles can be placed under buildings. But I suggest making a tie either under a house of another race, or under a path.
Please make a rot growth counter for the building. If the mission includes destroying it, then it’s difficult to plan without seeing how much there is.


Arieh Saed

they should make a trend panel but instead of tracking meat it tracks blightrot


Marc Schlossberg

More adjustable mark trees brush. I very often want to paint a path exactly two or three tiles wide and my choices are one tile at a time or the ambiguous circle brush. I'd like a 2x1 brush and/or the ability to adjust it to preference myself.


hi-o 2 things:
I just lost a game trying to do the gold seal and I was replaying (in my mind) what I screwed up.
1. in late games the cornerstone rolls block notifications along the left side (with enlarged UI). I had a long game with a seal because I had the seal that lowers impatience growth after a trade + a human in the hearth, so I had the red bar growing at 0 or .05/minute, making my game take a long time (so I had a lot of cornerstones).
2. Showing the time remaing on the forbbidden/dangerous events show naturally would be useful. I had a mole kill 10 people and I'm pretty sure that extra red bar with a very bad storm didn't bode well for me. (I grew like 5 bars in one storm, and then just lost after I was CRUSHING it-i'm still rather upset about it). I know it shows if workers are idle, but make it more obvious when the event can kill your dudes (vs. just a cache).

Along with #1, I couldn't see if they were idle very well and I lost the game within minutes since I was very close to getting the last seal I needed. If I could have seen the issue more clearly, perhaps this could have been avoided. It really rustled my jimmies.


Being able to move the camera in 360 degrees on the world map.


Scott Schindler

Which Buildings Have Pipes Installed?

When I hold ALT, I want it to show a PIPES icon on any bulding that has pipes installed.

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hold tab?


Matt Beisser

- When keybinding, notify the user if the same key is bound multiple times.
- It's not obvious how to CLEAR a key binding
- Hotkey for cycling through ALL buildings, not just same type
- Navigation on world map should allow rotation (why not?)
- When getting new workers, the races in the rows should match
Right now they are mismatched and hard to read, i.e.:
| 2 Human | 3 Lizard |
| 1 Lizard | 1 Beaver |
| 1 Beaver | 2 Human |


| 2 Human | 2 Human |
| 1 Beaver | 1 Beaver |
| 1 Lizard | 3 Lizard |

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Tyler Costello

Possibly having it where where your units are able to have a specific task in a shelter for example "2 lizard in a Kiln one always working till brake while the other one bring in item-wood" so one always productive while the other one switches off and on when there's enough wood and choosing from minimal amount of materials to the max based on your buildings max

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Having a different exclamation point color or diamond background to alert to caches versus issues with an existing structure. It would be helpful to be able to quickly visually distinguish the type of exclamation point/alert. Such a fun game - thank you!

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Kirruu Berry

Big one: having an option to make a certain amount of goods only ONCE. For example, filling orders with trade goods packs - having a checkmark stating produce 15 once vs. the production restarting every time you get under 15. When you're strapped for resources, this makes a big difference. Trying to find which building is making it and stopping it every time is a pain.

A way to find existing buildings when you click on blueprint to build - trying to locate a rogue forgotten forager camp on a large map takes too much time.

Change the building roofs to different colors - having multiple buildings with similar size and all with red roofs for example is confusing and miserable to sort through. I don't see a reason why buildings can't have varied colored roofing. If you can have blue roofs, you can also have orange, yellow, or polka dot ones. Make the storage stand out. Save my eyes.

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- Left-click worker icon in a building to go to that worker, right-click to show remove / change worker
- Circle below the worker(s) of a building
- Movement speed when entering a building is slowed down, I think it's reverted to no bonus from road, can it be at least the same 5% bonus from road?
- Longer years per cycle?

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Scott Schindler

yeah the slowdown transition from the road is yuck!


Mark K.

A general setting in the menu to show a light grid system to make placing buildings easier.

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allow a bindable key to view building with rainpunk installed so that we can find buildings with rainpunk active, similar to viewing recipes, and whos working where. i keep wasting my water forgetting which ones are on and not

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Kim Nguyễn

Allow an option to remove complex food from villager that DONT need it


Scott Schindler

That exists now. in the food selection screen, not jsut as a whole but for each race.

Yeah, screw humans. they don't need to eat!


Tuesday Next

I would love a way to view dialogue history, both to read back over Aunt Lori's stories and because sometimes it can be difficult to remember what specifically I'm supposed to do in a tutorial.

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A lot of the building skins are looking alike, making it difficult to easily distinguish them, resulting in a lot of moving around the map and clicking to find them. Building like Druid's hut and foxes house, smokehouse and kiln and many more.

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Xukang Nie

It is recommended that the lumberjack camp can be upgraded to a large camp, and each move will always require repeated movement.

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I would like to be able to click on a material on the upper menu and see all the buildings on the map using it for recipes highlighted. It would save so much time!

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An Efficiency suggestion+ new building : Supplier / Cargo Carrier (4 settler space at minimum) + a few more settler/run
Aka like the good old Knights and Merchants, we need an ACTUAL building and gameplay method, where the assigned suppliers carry the cargo between the producing building than the warehouses, because now they producing and also carrying back the goods is simply not efficient enough...


Carlos Gomez

Maybe a way to avoid dangerous glades when cutting trees. Idk just sayin'


Kenta Gumbert

In options, you can set to not cut into glades unless selected to do so


I am not seeing a "production limit" in the recipe section for purging fire material. All the other recipes can be preset. Thanks for an amazing game!


I am not seeing a "production limit" in the recipe section for purging fire material. All the other recipes can be preset. Thanks for an amazing game!


A "recall all workers" option, during the storms.


adding a preview, just like with employees only that with the production of a particular building.


I think it would be cool to have a list of buildings somewhere so I dont have to look all over for that smelter or whatever

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you should be able to smash chests,crates with bricks. also pave roads with bricks....

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Jessey Henderson

I find it tedious to manually click each building to change its priority. In Timberborn they have a function in the UI that lets you change priority of building without needing to click on each individual one. It would be great if you guys could do the same.

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Rhianna Amrou

Use Amber to "lock" a blueprint that you can then use/buy for the next reputation/level.

Add another gameplay, either endless mode where you just have to maintain between reputation/impatience and resources with bigger maps; or a marathon mode where impatience/reputation gains are much slower than normal.

In case the endless/marathon mode is present, additional buildings to plant trees may be useful, or add logs to the tradeable goods.

Farther zooms - it would just be easier to navigate the map.


A button that allows all recipes to be made by all things in a building so you don't have to manually turn all the recipes on.


Endless gameplay on bigger map


Иван Заровный

Hello. It would be useful to come up with a converter of different water to another. When completing the mission for the dwarves, the "fallen airship" opened many clearings, lost many villagers, but the geysers were on yellow and green water. Since I am performing the "hand of the queen" test, I build the first cities with no more difficulty than the governor in order to minimize the time of building cities and be more likely to receive bonuses. So I could have won for 6 years calmly, but I was looking for a geyser for blue water all over the forest. I didn't find it. He won without the help of the dwarves. If only the converter would be 2 to 1, for example, to change other water to the right one. That would be cool.


Rifky Achong

Sealed forest mission should reward us semi-permanent meta upgrades depending on what choices we make. Otherwise, we'll just pick the easiest one, over and over again, on every sealed mission.


It would be good to have on the UI a list of the open threats. Sometimes when you want to come back to resolve the threat after the storm etc and then forget..


Hello! Mechanics for "fertile soil":
1. Can be built on any surface, construction cost 5 wood / 3 oil / 2 coal per square.
2. Any fertile soil is depleted after 2 cycles of use, reducing growth from it by 50%
3. Depleted fertile soil disappears after 1 cycle of use
4. On farms, add a button for auto-recovery of the same areas of soil, as implemented in AOE 2

Mechanics related to the resources of the fortress (I have had all the upgrades unlocked for a long time, I play at 15 prestige):
1. The ability to improve passive effects, such as the speed of settlers for fortress resources, for example +1% for 100 food, then another +1% for 200%. In the current model, resources are practically (except for events on the map and the altar) useless at this stage.
2.2 The ability to make investments at the initial stage of the cycle, improving one of the parameters, for the resources of the fortress (for example + 1 settler in the cycle for 200 food)
2.2 Ability to customize the biome, adding a larger number of necessary modifiers, also using fortress resources

Mechanics related to winning when building a settlement. I can't achieve several achievements on Steam. at the same time, judging by statistics, almost no one can, such as “grace”. Please give us the opportunity, for example, to manually disable the receipt of progress for the mood, so that the player can control this in the later stages of construction.

Good luck! Odissey095



Mirror flip buildings for symmetry



Firstly, I would like to thank you for your time and effort to accomplishing what you have been able to. I would like to give you all a round of applause. You all deserve it.

Now to the point. My suggestion is to help me. I feel overwhelmed at times to keep up with orders. A good tool that could be implemented to the game, that I shall name "The Bifocals", is a tool to foreshadow a method to completing a task. These "bifocals", when clicked, will activate a generic AI. Using a basic form of AI, you can customize certain check lists to help new players plan ahead. Thus, giving you the freedom to implement rules, procedures and checkdown of requirements needed to be completed by the AI, and then the player.

In conclusion, all of this could potentially be used as a "trainer" for skill development in this game. Game planning/strategies are useful to be taught when beginning a new game of a genre that you are not accustomed to. This help can prevent players from forming bad habits, or making blunders that drags them behind, that could impact their outcome and experience.

If you took the time to read this, thank you.





Hello, i suggest a gauge in the setting in order to increase the distance of the in game camera.


An alert when a trader is about to leave


Mischa Menne

Please add a statistic which shows from what sources you earned reputation


Hi there, just also a small suggestion: Can't you make a dlc/upgrade, whatever, to play with MORE THAN 3 Species/ run ? I know they will have more needs to compensate, but in the future when maybe there will be more species to choose from, 3 is too small amount , don't be another Northgard about limitations, we are not living that era anymore..


Suggestion: "Camera Locations", with hotkeys. Most RTS games allow the player to define a camera view at particular location, and then jump among these views using hotkeys. The camera view would ideally have location, orientation, and zoom. For example, allow Camera_1 to be defined by using Alt+1, and be recalled with Ctrl+1.

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Kenta Gumbert

I was saying some thing like this that numbers should bindable be user defined per city and possibly have an option of lock these selections from last game just like recipe limits. Being able to assign a hotkey to the main hearth or trade post are some that come of mind. Any of us that played RTS I'm sure find that 1, 2, 3, 4 for speed is super unintuitive. We don't need to change speed that much anyways.


Is it even possible to see the conditions of the map outside of the cornerstone/queen order/blueprint screen? If not, a simple button in the top right, near the storm bonuses/maluses, would solve the issue!


Kenta Gumbert

I've seen this when you have esc pushed to quit or select options, etc.


It would be nice to have a tab where it's shown where a particular resource is being used. Something like the "Consumption" tab, but where you can see, for each resource, which industry/crafter is using it. Unless I'm blind, to see, for instance, who is using my wood, I instead have to go through all the recipes.


Tom Walton

Suggestion - Remove Lizards from Tutorial 1. They aren't very useful until the second one, I wasn't sure if I was missing something.



-request retracted, mechanic already in game, I'm just blind-


Falina Rose

I think having a button to cycle through all the resource camps would be very helpful. Have it work like hitting the left arrow key but then just be able to go through all camps.

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Matt Beisser



Надо понимать куда и в каком количестве уходят ресурсы. Больше вариантов для снижения враждебности


a restart button

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Some interesting advice i heard:
Add viceroys with different styles.
e.g A farmer background viceroy excels at agriculture.A viceroy with a background in private alcohol production excels at managing the liquor industry.Commerce background excels at trading .Robber backgound no punishment when attack on merchants

e.g Tropico



Excellent game!
1.Can we add additional levels after the Sealed Forest? Sometimes it doesn't feel satisfying enough.Especially when getting a bunch of buffs.Sealed Forest gets boring after mastering it several times.I hope to add some new content by adding the ultimate boss, e.g a strict Queen as the final challenge. Then couterback the Smoldering City.
Mode may be like Slay the spire?
2.Rather than villagers just leaving when unhappy, let's increase the chance of riots. Managing and suppressing unrest could add to the game's fun, e.g Palword or Tropico
3.add random events during the game, e.g Frostpunk


Kenta Gumbert

#2... when favoring or unhappy and about to leave, something like a negative bonus like 50% to production speed or chance to destroy yields would make this a more risky thing to allow.


Michiel van Aalderen

How about adding a forester that grows trees? Would be useful late in the game.


Sonny Blackbones

Hola! Add lake&fish ground! Fishing is nice jop!


Would like to see farmers prioritize planting in plowed fields before planting in unplowed fields in the event not all tiles are plowed during the storm.


lei lei

Also please add a kill button to execute specific villagers. I need my kfc


Kenta Gumbert

perhaps pay amber to banish villagers with a limit per year


lei lei

Please add a warning when selling items that are currently being used to complete a glade.



Global preset building priority per building would be very helpful, i.e. I could set shelters to 3, produciton to 2, camps to 4, paths to -5, etc. so that all shelters i place are on the same priority without needing to click them one by one



Have an easy mode for first timers!



would love to have the main game have a "hard mode" where the map is just littered with modifier as you work your way to a seal.

I love to do daily expeditions on P20 where there are 2 negative modifier and one positive - but playing this way makes me miss out on the main game where you work your way towards a seal.

would love to have the main game have a "hard mode" where the map is just littered with modifier as you work your way to a seal. You would often find yourself sandwiched in between multiple hard modifiers and maybe even a positive one because there are so many.

this would be a nice challenge for those of us who are really proficient in the game.



It would be great to see why towns folk are idling, its a pain to track down if its the quota or lack of materials or something else.

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John Jervis

add controller support to the PC version. Games from Xbox app should natively support the controllers.


Alix Munro

It would be neat to be able to select a cornerstone to keep and the reroll the rest

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shahin yazdanfar

Hi, 2 Things (great Game btw):
1. deconstructing multiple Roads would be nice
2. Tutorial Section for Water (all kinds of) what they do and HOW to use them would be nice

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Евгений Алексеев



stuggling to make do with what you are given is part of the fun of the game. making all rain available from the beginning would ruin the strategic element of resource scarcity.

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Edgar Monroy

Would love to be able to select the "advanced building" found in forbidden glade where the cost is either getting less blueprints or maybe impatience gets higher.


Would love to see a small harbor or fishing pier if the player is able to make it to the water edge of the map. Could be a unique fish or mollusk

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Jerry Max

Hi there, would love to have controller support for the game please, where using directional button would move the cursor in sections the size of a path.



First of all thank you for this amazing game. This has been one of my favourite games ever.

I would like to suggest this feature:

- Enable an option for idle workers in buildings. If the worker is idle cause they reached the maximum production set (if there is one) or if they don't have anything to do (like farmers when they already harvested everything), they will go to help others with other tasks.

Best Regards,


Jesse Butler

Can you add an "idle" flag to the 'alt' hotkey overlay? Would be very helpful to know who is idle when scanning building worker slots. Thanks!


Kyle Krigest

Please add a confirmation box when selecting blueprints and cornerstones. Accidently picking one when you meant to select the magnifying glass can be game ending.


Neroya House

I would Love to see a tab with every bonus from upgrades (city) in one place :D sth like summary to see all of them at once

Nevermind i've found it XD


Feature request:
Allow infinite cornerstones with each passing year if the player chooses to continue settlement after finish the turn. No point in making the game harder for the player at that point, just let them have all the fun they can get.


Devin Gallegos

Love the game! Been playing since early access! :)

A freeplay mode with no way to lose would be fun, at least for me. No hostility, no negative repercussions from certain orders or from the storm. But also with no way to win or progress through the city, it would be mostly for those who want to build cute little rain towns and see or practice certain maps. I mostly play peaceful and pioneer, pioneer games take a long time, but I also feel like peaceful (while the right kind of difficulty for easy mode) doesn't allow me to scratch the itch of building towns just to build them with no desirable purpose minus aesthetics only. (Or maybe other reasons too!)

Anyway thank you for your wonderful work! I truly enjoy this game.


Joshua Goldshteyn

It would be great to have a few more upgrades / higher level cap for the meta progression. I'm already at P20 but haven't even gotten the Gold Seal yet, it feels like the progressions stops too early relative to the length of the game.


We need items like in POE awakened sextant to reroll modifiers on a cycle. Example, all forest will be blood forest, blue prints in traders will show 2 less, spawning a trader cost 5 ember. Put it for more rewards upon completing a cycle. Instead of a difficulty level which is boring. Of course you can do more like a no defeat run which rewards the player for more rewards upon completion. You can find more examples in running sanctum in POE.


Why are people posting feature suggestions/bugs in this comments section, instead of as their own posts to can be voted on?


Toggle for an overlay to show all rain-engine'd buildings & which rain type each is + perhaps expanded info on the tank readouts at the top of the screen to list all the buildings for each type?
There isn't really a visual cue as to which buildings have engines or not unless you can memorise them & their rain types, or they're covered in cysts I guess


More options when marking trees for woodcutter camps?
Perhaps an option to prioritise certain selected trees over others, so I can queue up which trees within the camp’s range are cut down first.
Also a hotkey in tree marking mode to ignore trees out of range would be nice, similar to holding CTRL to ignore trees on the edge of an undiscovered glade


1. Save/preserve production limits between games.
2. Option to choose 3th race during the game
3. Foxes seem a bit underpowered?
4. Indicator for each terrain what are possible races/their appearance chances etc.


When selecting new buildings for earning reputation points. It would be helpful to indicate what recipes you already have access to and their star level. Much like when you click on a production building and hover over a recipe it highlights the buildings you have that can produce it.


Sometimes it would be useful to have highlighted in the text of cornerstones etc. if you have the relevant buildings which are being affected.


Being able to rotate buildings via click on the mouse wheel would be nice. Missed this feature the moment I started the game.

And if you could relocate a clicked building by using R would also be nice:
Choosing a building.
First time clicking R let´s relocate it.
Every further R rotates the building.


Any interesting in endless mode? And maybe more levels and new upgrade that for player not good at it but have played a lot of times.


AdrenALI_ N

Please add a build order priority queue (I suggest bottom left area) so one is not held to ransom to the order I placed buildings down. In a chaotic game where decisions change frequently, it is quite irksome that I have to dismantle all previously placed construction orders so that the right building is prioritized at the right time, thank you.


Raul Ramirez

Hi , love the game i would love if you could guys add some way of capping or diving farm production like a wheat farm sow and plant 6/12 fiel slots and the rest veggies it really would help to controll the farm out put



1. Make it able to zoom further out
2. Have copy feature when selecting a building, so you can easily build the same building that you have selected.
3. If some 'Pause on....' options are enabled, can a message/alert tell you what happened, so you immediately know why the game paused?

Great game!

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Vert Vert

My first time attempting to reforge a seal I was given the option of having trade routes at a certain level, and again later of completing trades of a certain value. I did not have trade routes unlocked at that point, so those options were meaningless to me and rather frustrating when I couldn't complete them. I would suggest either hiding seal reforging options that you haven't unlocked, or offering alternative options if you don't have the features unlocked.


João Santos

Would be nice to have paths being able to work with decorations, for example, when putting fences or lights i cant put paths there even tho there is space to do so. It creates an unsatisfying overall look to the settlement.

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Alix Munro

Thank you for such an awesome game, and thank you even more for caring about player input.

Add demolish for area instead of one square at a time to delete things like path.

If you only have one species with builders available, hitting alt should automatically give you that species.


Eric Potter

LOVE this game! Over 130 hours and still playing all the time!

Few things I'd like to see:

Being able to rotate among all camps when clicked on one as opposed to just that specific camp. I lose track of my camps once the city really sprawls out and if it is deactivated because I have no available nodes to gather from I can't find it when I open a new area to gather from. This would help!

On the note above, this would be helpful with production buildings as a whole as well.

Being able to rotate through decorations would also be helpful. I often have to move them as more space opens up and I need to place buildings in the right spots.

I've also noticed on some maps (coral forest especially) that the highlighted circle to select trees to be cut down (or to unselect trees to cut) can be almost invisible in the misty areas. On a similar note, trees selected to be cut down that are not within the range of a woodcutter can also be difficult to see as highlighted to be cut.

There's also a couple instances where you can't click on a building to see what it can produce on certain screens where it would be helpful (wish I could remember exactly which ones).

There's still a couple screens (again, can't quite remember which) where info on what the map offers as potential resources is not available to view when it would be helpful.

Being able to select a "permanent" road option somehow would be nice as well! So we don't have to select roads and then which road type every time. We just click roads real quick and pave onward.

If I get to the screens I couldn't remember about above I'll be sure to edit this post and let you guys know. What an amazing game! Can't wait for the content and continued QoL updates! Thank you!


Garrett Boisvert

It would be nice if the Smoldering City upgrades screen had a table showing the cumulative effects of the upgrades you have bought. Not the fundamental/embarkation upgrades, just the small %increases and the +1 to nodes.



I'm very much enjoying this game and I can see why it's got Overwhelmingly Positive reviews on Steam. I do have a few suggestions to recommend, all of them fairly small, quality of life, changes.

First, a dedicated Camera mode to allow for screenshots would be awesome, imo.

Second, (this is my biggest suggestion) an endless mode where you can create practice cities and use the races, blueprints, etc. that you've already unlocked, in biomes that you've completed settlements on at least once, and be able to come back to this city to play around with it. You would gain nothing such as resources or items doing this, just have an infinite city that you can come back to instead of only having the one-and-done settlements.

Third, and this is more of a quality of life suggestion, add a toggleable overlay so that you can see each Hearth's heating radius without having to click the hearth each time. Like have it be fairly faint or marked by a dotted line on the ground at the edge when the hearth is not explicitly selected, and then fully visible when the hearth is selected or when a building that has to be built within its range is being placed/moved. This would make city planning a bit easier imo.


idle builder count icon


Just lost my first attempt at sealing a rift, not because of anything I did except that for the second seal I was given the option of standing level which I couldn't do because I hadn't earned enough experience to do trade routes yet and the other two options were both earn reputation points but each one was for earning in a different way. UNFORTUNATELY. When I got that I was already at max reputation. So couldn't earn any more at all what-so-ever. So being unable to continue I kept playing it thinking well maybe I can earn just a bunch of experience except no that didn't happen either... can you tell I am frustrated? because I did nothing wrong except earn reputation too fast and got to max and basically LOST because of that... so maybe fix that... maybe DONT have two out of three options be the same thing just in case this sort of thing happens. kay? gonna not play for awhile I am a little annoyed at the few hours I just apparently wasted.



Have you tried doing certain Glade events? Like sending supply caches to the Smoldering City? Those reward reputation and should allow you to earn for the Seal quests.


In the recipes tab of buildings there should be an option to "do until X units in storage (then turn off recipe once order is complete)" or "do Y recipe Z number of times".

As it stands the limit function is, well... limited. A lot of time is wasted pausing the game trying to micromanage production when it could be made much simpler and automated with the sugestion given.


I would like to be able to tell my farmers to drop resources off in farmhouse/plantation etc instead of running all the way to main storage when the storage of the production building is empty


Agustin Rodriguez Velazquez

Please let me save in different slots, it's the 3rd time i've been playing on the xbox game pass and my game resets all my progress to 0.



Same, i'm not starting all over again


Elliott Peay

This doc shows how to backup your saves. You have to do it manually after you close the game, but (1) it works, and (2), the doc also has links to pre-made saves, so that you can jump back to somewhere near where you left off.



it would be cool if i hover over resources like Bricks in their production screen in a workshop and it shows how many there are in stock by the mouse cursor

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The “Protolore” Roundup

I'm sure it's been asked, but can assets be made as rewards for the Human Utopia and Lizard Utopia deeds?


oh look i can decide if i want to make skewers or biscuits... but how do i make them? how am i supposed to make these choices -.-

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gabriel fina

what a game, a very smart city builder ! I would love to be able to have some data about the production rate and/or the consumption rate of ingredients



Would be nice if you could enable save scumming


Settlement name randomizer to give players quick name inspiration

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That would be a nice idea. The game already assigns a random name to the settlements if the name space is left blank. Getting suggestions beforehand would be nice too. I don't see why we can't have it both ways.


it would be good if there was a simple way to see what I can do with the ingredients I can potentially have, rather than needing to take upgrades/buildings before knowing what they can do

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Mod support PLEASE!!

  • A

Fantastic game! It would be good if there were an option to see which buildings were understaffed, and/or not staffed with their preferred races. It could be a little icon at the top, with the other tallies for things like how many homeless there are, and how many builders.

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I would love to be able to see what buildings were staffed or needed staff. This would be especially convenient to make sure the correct creatures are working in the buildings.


it would be nice if i could click on the workers and have the camera autofollow the worker

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Would be nice to have a button where it autofills up the building with workers starting with the ones that are most compatible, perfect for the woodcutters

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Skipping tutorial should not count as a loss :(


I think it would be nice to invert the camera rotation when holding MMB. For me it feels backwards. Thanks

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===== Glade Event Tracker =======
Maybe I am not seeing it or have not unlocked it, but an option to track Glade Events would be helpful, particularly Dangerous and Forbidden Glade Events. Perhaps the information could be just like the tracking under "Orders" that are on the right hand side, with the name of the event, the time remaining until the Threat occurs, and a way to quickly jump to the event in question.

Also, regarding the "Orders" tracker, a way to toggle them on and off quickly would be helpful.

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I would suggest a search function for keywords for the encyclopedia.

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can we config the size of words? My eyes are not so good when facing the screen with some many words reading for long time...


add the grid lines please, just like "they are billions"


This system is completely broken. I cannot create an account, only post anonymously.


Michael Veri

When picking blueprints, be able to hover over the individual items that the building produces to see what is needed to produce that item. Would save me exiting out and checking recipes 300 times per building pick.

Thank you for a great game!

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mod support


A button for all current buildings. I'd like a spot kind of like the Recipe list. That shows all my current built and being built buildings. With which species is inside them. So we can easily resort which person is where and get the bonuses we need at that time please.


Sam Meredith

Ability to reset citadel/game progress.


Already implemented, Start Screen -> (top right corner) Change Profile -> (broom icon) Reset Progress


Robert Deacon

Volume control would be essential. Music is too loud for me,


Volume control is under the General tab in Options. Scroll below "Video" and "Sound" is just underneath.


An ingame clock which synced with your region. Often i forgot the time cause this game is too damn good :D

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Philip A. Moore

Perhaps add a story element to explain how viceroys and the queen can live for so long. After a dozen blight cycles my in game character is many hundreds of years old, and Aunt Lori hasn't aged a day. Is it the rain? Does the bread I earn from completing settlements hold the secret to eternal life? I must know.


James Hood

When I scroll too far from my base, sometimes I lose it. It would be nice if an icon pops up letting you know where your closest hearth is.


I want to know how many housing units are vacant, so that I can directly acquire them during population growth in the storm season and avoid the debuff of villagers being homeless. Right now, I have to check my houses one by one, which is very inconvenient


Nick Campolito

Introduce a visual timelapse of your settlement being built after a completed one. Oxygen Not Included does something like this, and itd be a cool feature, i think.


a way to see which buildings dont have max workers. Its annoying to have to go over every one to check where to put my excess builders.


If you have a brain, you'd know to press Alt.



for the below post



Concern: This game works my PC's memory like nothing else.

I'm currently only in the main menu, and it uses more memory than Google Chrome with 20 open tabs. I've tried turning the graphics settings down so that my laptop's fans would (shut up!) slow down a bit but nothing seems to work. (It is an expensive gaming laptop btw and not even a year old).

Is it possible to dumb down the graphics a bit more or have a way to reduce anything that can make this game run smoother or am I stuck with being in a wind turbine (sound-wise) while I play a game that I love?



When moving a movable building, it would be good to apply the drag and drop function so that it can be moved easily. That is, select movable building and click the left mouse button at the same time and drag the building and drop the building to target point and unclick the left mouse button.


Suggestion: Adding a use for the harvester's camp in marshlands biome. Maybe have reed be a node that can spawn.


Scott Boyce

Concern: I really enjoy getting my own home in Smoldering City. However, I was disappointed the first time I entered the home. I thought it was going to be customizable, like so many other games nowadays across genres provide to the player. Instead, it is just a 'medal display case'. Lots of opportunity for replayability being missed out here taking this archaic approaches to a home. Games on the SNES and Genesis were doing what you have done for a home 30+ years ago.

Suggestion: Consider making the house interactive, allowing the player to customize it for Pro's and Con's. You could even have the player lay out their own housing floor plan, what the rooms will look like, etc. As you gain experience, you can spend some resources on expanding/unlocking areas of your home. This is, after all, a building game. I won't list examples but there are tons and tons and tons of different ways this has been accomplished in many modern games across genres, with some excellent replayability options in these games by including this kind of dynamism.

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Scott Boyce

Concern: The transition from season (i.e., drizzle, storm, etc.) is rough in a number of ways. 1) The game sometimes 'hiccups' at these transitions where it feels like the game could crash. It hasn't yet crashed on me but I get the sense that on other systems it might. 2) The transition is jagged. The music changes in a strange way (missing flow/integration). 3) The change is abrupt. The time counter helps but a smoother transition like a build up to the storm or build down at the end of the storm would make the game feel better to play.

Suggestion: I am not sure about the potential crashing issue, you'll have to figure that out. As for the abrupt transitions, think spring/fall type transitions. You could even have season dynamic where sometimes there is short 'spring/fall' or a long 'spring/fall'.


Scott Boyce

Concern: Sometimes it feels like the levels are too short.

Suggestion 1: Have a sandbox mode separate from the campaign where you can just build and build and build. I recognize that you can keep building when you finish a mission, but a separate sandbox mode would alleviate a number of criticisms I have read about the short term building.

Suggestion 2: Have some sort of dynamic in the game where sometimes you have to return to a community that you have already completed. You could move on to several other missions then get some sort of "This town you built now has blight, no water, etc.". Please return to save your community. This would bring in some nostalgia for previous levels the player may have forgotten, adding another dynamic to how you can plan the communities.

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Scott Boyce

Concern: Current worker skins of the races are repetitive.

Suggestion: More skins. Maybe unlockable.


Scott Boyce

Just finished first blight cycle and enjoying the game. If any of these are a repeat of something already done, then ignore. I will make a separate comment for each suggestion.

Concern: Part of the fun I have with the game is trying to best configure my community. However, after only a few hours of play, I can see this may lead to boredom. Not much to organizing just squares and rectangles.

Suggestion: Have multiple different shaped building alternatives for the buildings. Think Tetris block shapes for placement. It would more dynamic and engaging then just placing squares and rectangles.


Ability to reroll ancient seal quests, or at least make them retroactive. I got one round where I had to either sell goods worth 100 amber (I had already sold goods upwards of 150 for orders and had nothing left to sell), do two each of loyalty, corruption, and empathy (I already chopped through too many glades getting to the seal that all the unsearched ones were too far away), or gain 6 reputation points through resolve (I got to 4 before my reputation was at max). Thus I was hard locked out of forging the seal and could only wait in despair as my beavers tried franticly to find compatible glade events and I lost to Impatience. (This was a silver seal on viceroy difficulty)

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I think ancient seal quests are fixed so you can just plan ahead. The events quest is rng dependent but that's why you have a choice of three. Also the resolve quest (as well as the complex food, housing, service quest) is retroactive and you can still gain reputation even when maxed though doing so will give you nothing.







mouse on food= show race that have bonus



New race - Batman )) and new biome.
The game is excellent, the number of mechanics is sufficient, a variety of biomes and races are needed.


hello... i love the game i already have 300+ on the ... id like to know...if ill have to remake the other seals... sice now theres a gift for then...thanks this game is unique excelent to play


Mountain Biome would be really cool

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Right Click on a resource and let you know where is it being used

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I would be cool to have the ability to adjust or rearrange the UI. Currently have a super ultra wide and most of the UI is so far off to the side I miss pop ups for new villagers and notifications.

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Yanis Leroy

That could be fun to get a possibility to hide behind the trees, so we can't see where are the glades. This can be a malus for a zone or maybe a difficulty setting


ShangWu Yang

I want the camera to keep the view I'm currently using when I use the "H" key to return to home base.


jack prior

Firstly, absolutely love the game. I'm obsessed and have been playing at least 6 hours a day. So great job guys!

Some ideas:
- Shift clicking on a product/ingredient icon should hyperlink you to the corresponding recipes panel from anywhere. Frequently I feel I have to double check what I can build and this could really help reduce clicks for improved UX.
- Whilst the recipes panel is nice in a kind of official documentation style I wonder if there is scope for a hierarchical flow diagram of sorts to visualize more clearly how products fit into the vast array of building options.


Markus Kilian

Would love some hotkeys, for example to build roads. (Even S for Road, then Shift+S for Stoneroad like in Anno 1800)


Chandler Piché

Would be nice to see what the villagers are carrying at a given moment.


Денис Кузовкин

Improved trading.

Hello. I would like to suggest tracking the production of already created settlements to determine the requested wares. If the previous settlement produced a huge amount of planks, then it will not request them. Well, accordingly, if purchasing is possible, this settlement will offer planks. And vice versa, if there is no production of, for example, wine, but it is needed in a tavern, there will be a high demand for it. This will allow settlements to specialize and increase the role of trade, as well as reduce the effectiveness of the same strategy.
Translated by Google Translate.


Oskar Aggfelt

A separet handheld controller layout support for disabilities, the current one is only adapted to mouse and keyboard.



Absolutely love Against the Storm!! Such a well-crafted game with a deep and beautiful soul.

My request is that when selecting trees for harvest, that the graphics be much clearer as to which trees are highlighted. Especially on certain maps when there is already a bit of a glow/radiance to the forest, it can be difficult to tell which trees I've selected. Currently what I do is pay attention to the increase and decrease in amount of glow and try to pause it when the highlighted trees are at their brightest.
Maybe what could be done is that when paused, the highlighted trees automatically snap to their brightest level?
Also, maybe depending on which map you're on, the highlighted color could be something that contrasts sharply with the color of the trees in that environment for optimal visibility?
Just my two cents! I find myself always squinting and struggling with the visuals when picking where to send my woodcutters.



I'm dumb, moved the post



I'm dumb, moved the second post


Chris Koller

I am in love with this game, but my inner autistic mind would love to have a button to fix/jump the camera to north (and perhaps rotate it by 90 degrees when pressing again). Thanks!

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Chris Koller

I am so super happy you guys implemented the camera reset key, thanks so much! There is a very small bug remaining, when i am fully zoomed out and press H, the camera aligns but zooms all the way in. Maybe this is a quick fix? Thanks again!


This world deserves some birds! How about a special building that provides postal pigeons? These fly from hearth to hearth, increasing resolve. This would be another incentive to build several hearths.


Would be nice if building several trading posts had an extra effect: traders will visit more often, but prices are worse (because the traders compete with one another).


ShangWu Yang

I want the camera to keep the view I'm currently using when I use the "H" key to return to home base.



Just want to say that I love the game guys! Keep up the good work, and may the Storm be gentle on you :P


Rohit Ramnath

It would be nice if there were some clear icons near resources... Sometimes it is hard to see a wheat field or small leech broodmother against a blue background, Having the option of a small grain or wheat icon near them would make it so these aren't missed


This can be achieved by pressing the resources overlay button (default key binding:B)! Off-screen nodes will have icons on the edges of the screen
This overlay will also appear when selecting a camp on the map. Useful when relocating a camp after all the nodes are gathered.
Hope this helps :)


Sorry. I'm not a English speaker so may be my words are strange.
Can you make a option “Re Challenge”?
Sometimes I had a prefect beginning but at last I lose the game.
It‘s’ make me very frustrated.
I wish to return back to the beginning and challenge again.
Please !!!


getting spamed

This and also it is really frustrating when the early buildings are just "late game buildings" would be great if buildings had differnd weights or a changing rarety based on the year


Retaureau Antoine

Please can you add (far) better rewards on the daily quest ? (royal campement) It has been 4 times in a row / 4 That I have better reward of tool/machinery/food somewhere with a normal game within my reach. I don't see the point of it, usually in any video game the dailies are powerful xp/mats buffer compared to normal playthroughs. Nothing is motivating me here (at all !) beside the description for a fun-ish game but well ... for lesser rewards : meh . (Also your game is really awesome, a true jewel cheers !)


Need the ability to set combination shortcut keys in the Key Bindings. Like "X" for marking trees and "Shift + X" for clearing trees.


Not sure if this is the best place for this. I love parts and pieces of this game, but have some features I would really like to see to give it some more oomph. Also I know some stuff is in development already.

The good:
- Pacifist Roguelite city-builder.
- Discrete shortish gameplay units.
- Cool lore and game concept. Love the different peoples Love making them happy.
- Cool glade events.

Some limitations: (I could be missing some of the meta-story based on how far I have played (or it could be in development). But...
- The tension of influence points to finish the map and the year countdown on the storm cycles means that some choices are clearly optimal and others only serve to extend the time on each map for no benefit and are therefore never pursued.
- There are "deck-like" elements to the game, but perks (so far?) can only add cards to the various decks of perks or buildings or orders, but there is no means to remove them. This results in no meaningful strategic choices. Sure I can reroll, but that gives me another randomized offering. Making tailoring a strategy to a map type or available resources, or chained buildings impossible. I want to curate my options. Favor specific types of builds like: Humanocentric, go all in on textile production, trade routes, or glade-busting with massive tool production. Something to have agency / strategy in how I play the game.
- Related to above. There are persistent unlocked buildings and persistently locked buildings. I want to have the ability to control this more so than the linear level up system. I want to "trade up" some of my starter buildings, once I have the starter resources for them. Or at least put them in a limited subpool of x guaranteed offerings out of y.
- Meta story. There are some factions. But what do they do? How does choosing one help me? Unique buildings? Unique rewards? Unique obstacles?
- I want some more semi-persistent boons within/between cycles. Things I can target on the world map, more so than seals. Extra trade route. Supply caches. Survivors. I know the Queen's resupply is there and there are events that are map modifiers giving a local adjustment to surrounding tiles. But things I can "add to my caravan"

The bad:
- Winning and losing seem to take a long time. I want to win quicker and lose quicker. High-tension nailbiters are good sometimes too, but I feel like I my options now are I can win slowly or lose REALLY slowly. (I play at pioneer right now. I know there's added complexity / difficulty at veteran with blight mechanics)
- So much of the lore, which is really cool, seems obtuse. I wish I could decipher the ancient tablets or collect them for benefit. I wish they could reveal things about the world. I want to know about corruption and the frogmen. I want to interact with them. Gain their favor or have them interfere through boons and modifiers in glade / map events.


I want my previous settlements to be able to help my future ones. To provide unique / tailored trade routes. Or resource donations to further the caravan


Retaureau Antoine

well I disagress with ya, the speed is perfect to me. My pleasure actually come from contempling the prgress of my camp


Jared Roder

Would be nice to be able to see which feedback posts I've interacted with (viewed/voted/commented/created). It's a little tedious navigating the infinitely scrolling list of posts.


Jared Roder

I'm a dummy. I see the filter options for "My Votes" and "My Posts" under the far right filter select. Would still like a "Viewed" filter (a post is viewed by a user if they've gone to the post's page).



Burning priority not switching around or stuff in general.



Easier way to remove not build things. Like shift + delete does remove all unbuild things of that type or a drag like farm field for deleting.



Budding in here!

I think if selecting the building itself where you have the 'move' icon, an additional icon to delete/remove it would be wonderful. Or the ability to set up hotkeys ourselves.



Name Changer for Profile so i dont lose my progress.



Nothing big just abit of a time saver. A auto remover of workers for seasons in buildings. (bigger "problem": I see my self pausing like 50%+ of game time.)


There should be an option to auto fill a building with a worker when one is available. For example, when workers are done with a cache they can be auto assigned to something else.


Галина Кузнецова

Good day everyone! I got acquainted with this game not so long ago, but I already managed to get my friend hooked on it, we love this kind of games, but we also love ... fishing. It would be interesting to add to the game something similar to fishing, or lakes that appear in the clearings as well as vegetable gardens. And the race that is adapted to fishing and water is definitely cute frogs) Although mermaids or water spirits also sound inspiring)


This game is really well done. I've recommended it to friends because, I assume you're nearly done. A nice addition would be to have a larger circle toggle for marking trees

Sometimes the density of trees makes it feel like erasing in MS Paint. Mind you I'm only level 6 at the moment. Definitely one of the few games recently that is worth buying!


ShangWu Yang

I hope the game can add more rewards for passing levels, such as being able to use castle resources to exchange for certain items, so that veteran players can have more incentive to play on, I have over 30,000 castle resources right now, with no use for them!

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ShangWu Yang

I want the camera to keep the view I'm currently using when I use the "H" key to return to home base.


We need infinitely built game modes

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Alex Chaffee

My suggestion is for you to rephrase your opening sentences since "Welcome... here you can post your suggestions" has misled 70+ people into posting their suggestions as comments to this post instead of making a new post per suggestion. 😂

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Erik Pfisterer

Map filter that highlights all currently visible nodes. It's great to have the feature on the camp buildings themselves, but i would really appreciate the ability to scan the map to quickly assess if anything is about to dry up or if a new node was unlocked i happened to glance over in a new glade.


Katy Sessums

I like the idea of an autostop feature on producing certain goods


Katy Sessums

As buildings are built around the smouldering city, I think it would be cool to be able to click on them to see what they are, their stats, or how i earned them. Thanks guys, I LOVE this game


Katy Sessums

I'd like a popup where I can maybe scroll through all my buildings I have up? So I don't have to click all over the map to view what every building is doing

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Vladimir T

On top, when hovering over food, materials, items, the popup blocks the numbers of items in that category. it would be useful if it popped up just below those numbers or just somewhere else. Also, when selecting workers for a building, it would be useful if it said which worker (human or beaver or lizard) benefited from that job (farming, wood, meat etc), instead of having to hover over their icons all the way on the left side of screen. Thank you


a reverse trade route, where you can request a type of item for X amber, and other tradeable settlements ll send u the items in exchange for the ember. how long it ll take depends on how good the ratio item/amber is and of course item price.

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prpr shuckle

No access to porridge

Porridge cannot be produced by nearly any means in the first few levels before certain buildings unlocked by the milestone. I think that the milestone should be adjusted to make porridge accessible.



Provide information on total/available housing

Suggest tooltip on the general homeless icon or re-engineer to show Total housing/occupied/unoccupied housing

Same for each race, showing racial specific Total housing/occupied/unoccupied housing


Being able to adjust the difficulty higher without the prestige system


Increase the amount of influence points needed to win

Increase the rate that impatience increases

The purpose is to increase the difficulty in ways each play likes to find challenging - I like fast increasing impatience


A better explanation of what different biomes are and do. Are you only allowed certain species in different biomes? Will you find some things more prevalent in different biomes and some things not at all? I'm sure that's all true, but I wish there were an easier way to access that information while on the world map.


A tooltip pointer that points to your main warehouse when it's off screen. I've gotten lost on the map more than one when my mouse fell. A little pointer that shows you to the center of the map would be extremely helpful.


Fertile soil placement, could be unlocked? or a building that starts generating fertile soil around it, for the exchange of rain water?
Given as a cornerstone? a new building? a perk from a trader?


Justin Bates

edit: I'm dumb and didn't put this in the right spot. Sorry about that


For upgrade cards, could you space/bold/color change the technical text away from the flavor text so we don't have to keep fishing for the bonus on repeated runs? (since repeated runs are the core design)

"An old manuscript detailing forgotten burning rites. Fuel burns 33% longer in Hearths. Sacrificing in the hearth consumes 33% less resources."


"An old manuscrip detailing forgotten burning rites.

-Fuel burns 33% longer in Hearths
-Sacrificing in the Hearth consumes 33% less resources"

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This game is insanely addictive and I love it, but the closer i get to the top level I wish there was more left to unlock. Love to see some additions to the top of the upgrade tree, maybe some late-game production buildings that can produce four items instead of three, or buildings that can double as production and service buildings


Peter müller

Produce only till X ressources are left in store / only produce when there are more than X ressources in store feature:

With Packs of crops etc. it is sad running out of food or having too much food but having to fear producing packs will end up in starvation.
With ressources needed for different things it is sad running out just because one building grabbed all ingredient and the other can't do anything anymore...
Also for managing your ressources and not running out of one because you depleted it with production...
Or just thinking that one thin i don't really need but if i have too many ingredients and only than why not produce it

Having a feature/button that helps not depleting all ressources but only produce till X ressources are left in store and than autostop would really be nice and helpful.

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A search feature in the encyclopedia would help tremendously (unless there's something I'm missing in the UI, in which case, please make it a lil more obvious). Love the game a whole lot, it kinda my first base building game and its made we wanna try out all sorts of em' now, thank you for making one so approachable and fun!


When we rebuild a building that is found in a glade, why on earth can we not move them? especially the ones that need to be in the hearth area... this is the only thing that drives me absolutely nuts lol.

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Angel Hench

The ability to move open menus around the screen would be very helpful IMO. I constantly have to close pop-ups so I can see my list of orders.

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A button that lets me immediately unassign all idle workers.


I have one/two suggestions for the end game

Bought the game less than a week ago and been playing it every day so far, and loving every bit of it.

I'm on lvl 13 now and I see that max level is 17. This to me feels a little "empty" as far as end goals go.

The replayability is fantastic as far as there is something to be obtained, such as levels and perks, but once that is gone then the completionist in me gets bored.

So my suggestion for the end game conceptually the same, but twofold.

One possibility could be to make "smouldering outposts" similar to the Smouldering city. By similar I mean as a permanent piece on the board that takes up one hexagon. the function could be to have greater reach and/or passive bonuses, for example that it passively draws resources from the surrounding hexagons. To create these outposts one would have to find exclusive resources around the map, or buy them for a very high price of the common resources within the smouldering city, which could make the completionist grind be interesting for much longer. The outposts could be built only on fixed locations to avoid the player filling the whole map with them.

The other suggestion I have is: make the Smouldering City upgradable. But won't that make the game too easy with too many additional bonuses? Yes it would. So instead of getting more perks and more resources, how about getting the pleasure of completely conquring the map? When the Smouldering City reaches level 2 you can start to permanently reclaim hexagons on the map by purchasing the hexagons the same way perks are bought at lvl 1.


Guilherme S. Grittz

Hi guys, first of all: AMAZING GAME.

So, here's my suggestion: when we hover the mouse on a map deposit (for example roots), a window pop-up and tells us in which places the deposit can also be obtained apart from the map. It would be really nice if the window also tells us which types of recipes can be made with the item, i.e., what can I do with roots?


you can use the RECIPE menu point " top right to see what resource/ingredient can be obtained or made in what way and what they are used for, Its pretty handy.


Steam Workshop support / Mod support / Modding Tools

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Indication of workers being idle, supply chain with buildings needed included in UI for the


mouse only control; back button


Nicholas Alford

Why is there no Amber counter as a baseline component of the UI? It should be right there in the top bar of the UI at all times IMO

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Luke | Eremite

Status changed to: Done