Show building entrance arrow when building roads

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Michael Killen

When creating a path or a road, it'd be extremely useful to see the entrance/exit arrow from the building so I can know where to place the road


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David Martin

I think it would also be great to show an outline on the perimeter of current buildings. For example, I'm always off by 1 when putting a road down around the hearth because its tiles extends out further than the building.


When I construct roads, it would be good QoL to automatically show where villagers enter buildings. I often select/deselect road construction many times so I can tell where I need to put my roads to speed access into buildings


Aron Pietron

Merged with: Show Building Entry Point on Road Creation


Ethan Jones

When placing a roads, uncompleted camps should display the arrow of what direction they're facing so you can remember which way you pointed it when it has no visual cue.


Aron Pietron

Merged with: Roads and Camp Directions


Aron Pietron

Merged with: When in "road building" mode, it'd be useful to see the entrance points of buildings



When building a road, I want to see the entrance of a building to efficiently built a grid


Aron Pietron

Merged with: Road should show the entrance to a building


Ashley Redzko

When building paths, any buildings that do not already have a path to their entrance show their entrance arrow to help with path placement.

Many of the buildings in the game have offset entrances and it can be difficult to try and line up a path that explicitly goes to an entrance (like a distant camp or path to a farm for example). This would help with path placement to make sure entrances have access to the speed buff if desired and to help de-clutter I think it should only show if they don't already have a path servicing the entrance.


Aron Pietron

Merged with: Show entrance when building paths



hmm I think this question could be a mechanical misinterpretation?
Or maybe i think its already a feature that should be inherent...
Either way Paths that get placed in front of a buildings direction arrow should already give the bonus needed to the building.
Its that as an issue or the pathing of citizens is able to use a entrance from side pixels or some other mechanically weird shenanigans.


Mauvia Modi

Yeah this would be a great qol feature