Specialization Icons when Selecting Workers for Buildings

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When selecting workers to fill out the Production Buildings or Camps, have the Specialization Icons that are unique to each worker that matches the building's specialization bonus. This will help new players understand and see there is a bonus when picking certain character to make informed decision at the time of selection rather than having to memorize each species or trying to look up the information. Having this information on the icon of the choices help a lot as a Quality of Life as well. Especially for players who have not played in a long time coming back to the game. ALSO- a rollover tool tip too to see what the bonuses are. As some bonuses provide 5+ resolve and other bonuses like production bonuses etc. I'm having constantly fill the slot with various species to see which bonus is the best choice and if they have any. This icon and tool tip will be a huge plus.


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Aron Pietron

Status changed to: Done


TelHurin | Eremite

Status changed to: In progress


Aron Pietron

Merged with: Best in Slot


Gudrun Raudharr

In each building it would be cool if when we moused over a worker before putting it in the building they would glow or have the special thing associated with that building show. Its fine but I spend a lot of time clicking and reclicking to add the right workers to the right benches and if all of one type is somewhere else I cant use this method to see which one is the right one. I forget which ones work with which benches the best.


if you assign workers to a building it would be nice to highlight those who are actually proficient with said building. there is plenty to memorize and the little indicators on the right side of the screen are too small and the colorcoding doesnt help if you are colorblind


Aron Pietron

Merged with: Highlighting profiecient workers



It would be useful to be able to see a popup that summarizes affinities when mousing over the races as you're choosing who to place in a building. Currently I have to click through a few times, placing and un-placing to see which will be the most beneficial.


Aron Pietron



Simple solution: display highlighted icons on the workers when there is a match.


Kristian Frost

Putting humans on a farm or beavers into woodwork shows a border around the worker; same for some other posts that give resolve bonuses.
It would be useful to show these borders on the worker selection wheel to see which workers will provide bonuses if we decide to assign them.

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Aron Pietron

Merged with: Put a border around potential building workers


Dan H

I wanted this too at first, but I've adapted since then and figured out which villagers go best in what buildings. However with lizards doing cooking for example, it should somehow indicate that the lizard gets both production bonus and resolve bonus, not just the production bonus indicator.

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Aza Sazandorable

Or simply color-code the icons (the lizards already happen to have both of their relevant icons red, for instance)