When replacing roads, don't remove original road

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Roads should remain in place until the new road is constructed, they shouldn't instantly vanish when you draw a higher tier road over them


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Polly Rowtree

Also it feels bad how the villagers go back and forth for 1 stone/copper ore everytime rather than can take enough for multiple roads

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Improving roads would be a better experience and an easier choice if they didn't remove the roads beneath them prior to being built. You are already paying a pretty heavy premium in the resource cost (stone - one of the most valuable in the game) as well as the opportunity cost of the worker. The lost movement cost while the improved road is being built makes it even costlier, and forces you to micromanage placing a few tiles at a time if you really want to make it worth doing. That kind of task is tedious and not at all interesting to the player in a game like this (as opposed to an RTS, where people expect rapid clicking in a precise order to denote skill).

As an analogy, if I want a worker to build a Trading Post before a Carpenter, I just have to toggle the priority buttons accordingly. The interesting bit is the strategy, and I'm allowed to plan out the build order to accomplish that. What I'm NOT forced to do is to build the Trading Post, then wait for that to finish, then immediately click the Carpenter so that I can maximize my efficiency.

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On that note, I feel like stone/reinforced roads should be +2-4% faster.
I'm pretty sure the perfect balance isn't a round number

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Aron Pietron

Merged with: Road Upgrades


Daniel Jacobson

A feature that allows builders in your settlement to replace your current roads with a higher tier road of your choosing, without having to remark all your own roads which can become tedious for larger settlements, which is often when higher tier roads become affordable. Perhaps they could automatically replace them in the order they were built, and would do so until you ran out of the needed resource (stone or copper).

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Aron Pietron

Merged with: Auto-uprade road feature


This is maybe the only thing in the game that actually bothers me, so much so I don't ever upgrade roads. I hope this can make it into 1.2.

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Also how about a replace all roads button.


I was just playing a game where i had this very same wish! This would be an amazing addition!


Ice Raven

thats not a upgrade thats a replacement ..... to deleats the path ,,,,,,,, with out a replacements is silly ?
u have a path ,,, u plan a paved ... thats path is now goen till its filled in?

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Aron Pietron

Merged with: I dont have stone . replaceing path with nothing to make way for the stone path


ludvig boysen

It's ok if a road block under construction doesn't give the benefit of the previous road underneath it, but, just giving the order to construct a new road shouldn't have any effect until construction has begun


Derek Larson

I would imagine something like "marking the road for update", vaguely similar to marking trees for chopping, could work. This could have the added benefit of not requiring the resource upfront, so the player could just lay out a major upgrade in one go and let it convert as the resources became available.

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It's probably unnecessary to have extra UI for that. Just allow building roads over existing roads to change them.

The "under construction" marker that is normally displayed where a road is going to be built can just be drawn on top of an existing road.

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I always wondered whether the old roads kept their effect under the "building" squares - does anyone know for sure that they don't?



They don't. If you replace stone with copper, the stone is instantly added back to storage as if you demolished the road.
The current system just saves you the extra clicks of demolishing existing roads first (at least when its an upgrade).
Maybe it wouldn't really be possible to code roads to maintain their old benefit while the new road is actively being built on top, but I'd say it should at least be possible to allow them to provide the old benefit until a builder gets there to actually construct the new one. At the same time, when going from stone to copper, the stone shouldn't be refunded until the new road starts getting built or even only after it's done.

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