Nanako Glasgow |
Hello, I have chronic pain in my arms and general upper body mobility issues, and i find lots of mouse movement to be extremely taxing, and i'm always looking for keyboard shortcuts, or ways to reduce my wrist movement. Against the storm is one of my favourite games, and yet also one of the worst for this kind of pain. The biggest single cause, by far, is moving Woodcutter's camps around constantly
I've thought of a way that would help remedy this though: Move Woodcutters Here command. This would work somewhat like marking trees, and be activated with a button in the same area, or a hotkey. giving you a targeting reticle, but when you do it, it would grab a random lumber camp from far away, and move it to as close as possible to the target area (as well as rotating it to face the area). It wouldn't take those which are already within their work radius of the target. And when choosing, would prioritise camps that are idle first, and then those that have fewer marked trees around themselves, then those with fewer trees at all.
Move the mouse to one spot, hit the button five times, and you've got your five camps moved nearby to start work on the area. This would save a LOT of mouse movement compared to the current approach, of having to find each of those five, click them, hit M to move, and then scroll the camera over to the target area.
Its just so much work, it hurts me. i would love this feature so much to help make it less painful to play