Additional specific uses for pack items

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Stephen Kellogg

This is for the 'Pack of Luxury Goods' 'Pack of Trade Goods', and 'Pack of Crops'. Most of the time, these items are for fulfilling orders, or trading. But there could be more interesting uses for these packs. This is in line with packs of building materials being used for upgrading houses, or sending using Packs of Provisions for trade routes. Here are a few ideas:

Pack of Crops--Sacrifice at Hearth to make your settlers consume food slower, more sparingly, or not at all--without starving or losing resolve. Could also potentially be loaded onto woodcutters camps, as a way of slightly mitigating forest hostility (the idea is that they're scattering the crops to bribe/stave off hostile creatures)

Pack of Luxury Goods--These can be tributed to the Smouldering City to temporarily slow the build up of impatience. This could be done at the payment tab, or sacrificed at the hearth. Additionally, maybe a large quantity could be used instead of condition payments, as a bribe--which fulfill the condition, but slightly increase impatience.

Pack of Trade Goods--These can be used to elicit favor from particular traders. Instead of simply selling them, they can be tributed (at the market), and may be more likely to return than other traders. Potentially, this could also be done to traders found in glades as well, to enable them to return to the main market. It could also be used to regain traders, after the caravan is raided (albeit slower, and with potentially higher prices).