Autopause when timed order is complete

  • Done

Morgan Fisseux

I just completed a timed order with about 2-3 seconds to spare, but I was on x2 speed and failed although I succeeded.

Autopose upon timed order completion should be an option and on by default.


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Aron Pietron

Status changed to: Done


Luke | Eremite

Hey! You can enable the "Auto Complete Timed Orders" setting in the game's Options. You can find it in the Gameplay tab. This will complete Timed Orders as soon as you meet all the requirements ^^


Morgan Fisseux

Oh great, I didn't even think about looking at the issue the other way around, sorry. Please ignore my request then!

Thank you very much :)

Edit: I just checked, and the "auto complete timed order" box is checked already, yet I have to manually complete them, always have. I unchecked and checked the box again, and will keep an eye on it.


Aron Pietron

Hi! This option auto completes the orders only after the timer has run out. This is so that you won't fail it just because you forgot about it. We don't complete it right away (as soon as the conditions are met), because some players like to take their time and wait to turn it in when it's most useful for them.


Morgan Fisseux

edit: not relevant anymore


Morgan Fisseux

Oh I see, but this is pretty weird as I'm sure I had completed that timed order with a few seconds to spare. I'll do more testing then, thank you!