
  • Unlikely

Батон Батоныч

Please, add co-op. I wanna play with my friend. Thanks for read this post!


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Батон Батоныч

Thx for the reply. Realy sadly)


Aron Pietron

Status changed to: Unlikely


Aron Pietron

Hey there! Sadly any multiplayer/coop features are very unlikely.

The main reason is that from the very beginning, we designed Against the Storm to be a single-player experience (both in terms of mechanics and scope). Creating a fully fledged online mode would require a big redesign of a lot of core systems, to the point where I'm not even sure if it would be the same game anymore. To add to that, we're a very small team (6 people in total), with limited experience in multiplayer in general, so trying to introduce a coop mode would essentially halt the development of all other features and improvements, with no guarantee of success.

In a perfect world, I would want to make multiplayer a reality, but for now it is out of scope for this project.


This would be great obviously, but something I see often with these types of games is how to handle the time (since you can fast-forward/pause/etc). Do you allow both players to control the time (which could be fine, especially if they're in comms)?

Another option would be to allow friends to create trading networks when both have trade caravans.