Let all buildings be movable before they are built.

  • Done


I think we should be able to move all buildings before they are completely constructed, so if we change our mind about where we want them, we don't have to demolish them and place them down again.


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Aron Pietron

Status changed to: Done


Warcin M

discord.com/channels/418545968666116096/1173385327344373901/1176560809095209051 - I'd say that although we got GoL update which _almost_ fulfilled this, it's still not completely there.


Lis Marchant

I'd really love to see ancient shines and the main warehouse able to be moved, they are super close together which is fine but I'd really like to be able to move them to where I want to place them - like at the start of the game, have it be something you to do set up your camp without being built... Once placed tho, you can't move them.


Cave Manning

It'd be nice if immovable buildings were movable during construction, deleting then going through the menu to find it again if you put it on the wrong tile is a pain.

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Aron Pietron

Merged with: All buildings movable during construction


I would like it if planned buildings could be moved (for free) before supplies have been dropped off. Currently I would need to "destroy" the planned building and rebuild.


Give us the ability to move fundation which have not been started, I often misplace buildings by one tile, I have to destroy them and rebuild them, even if it cost nothing, having to go through different menus is annoying.

Ty for your work, great game.



Maybe with the caveat that they can only be moved before any resources have been delivered to them.

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