Prioritize reward collection from glade events

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‫אושר אלמוג (‪Shush‬‏)‬‎

After glade events are resolved, they usually grant multiple items as rewards. Some of those items are worth more for the player than others. From what I can see, those items are gathered by the villagers working on them from left to right; however, we might prefer to have them gather something with higher priority.

Add a simple rewards priority system, similar to production system, where workers will prefer taking items that have higher priority, if any.


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George Heintzelman

This is highly upvoted, and I agree with it -- I'd just add that the same system should be used for bringing stuff back from ponds now with the fishing system.


Aron Pietron

Merged with: Setting priority on event rewards


Lech [PS]

sometimes i need scouts to get food/fuel asap from cache or other rewards, would love to be able to set that priority


Aron Pietron

Merged with: Glade event rewards priority


Peter Marry

Please allow us to set the priority for which glade event rewards get taken to storage first, similar to camp priorities.


Aron Pietron

Merged with: Priority on gathering rewards from events


So I was thinking, as there is a tool for priority in almost everything, I think it'd be also cool to add priority on gathering rewards from events, crates, etc, after finishing. I just had a dangerous glade event that I could only finish in time if I broke open a stache. I would make it in time if my scouts started picking up the item I needed, instead they picked up that item last, and I was like 30 seconds behind the dangerous glade event completion.

Maybe it would make it too easy or something, I'm not a specialist it terms of games like that, but it would be consistent with other priority mechanics.

One of the best city-builder games I played btw!


Kenta Gumbert

especially in early/mid game, a item type from a stash is something we try to use in a glade event and sometimes the selection of goods in the queue is too slow for us to finish the glade event in time. This gets worse as the difficulty ramps up and economy isn't quite built up yet. Another option is a default priority order or something we can set such as luxury, amber, building materials, etc.


Aron Pietron

Merged with: Selection of rewards for events


Marcin Chojnacki

Hi, I'm currently at one of the Seals and I could have already finished the mission if not for the fact that I need Stone Tablets for the Seal. I already completed the event that gives me the Tablets, but the event has many other rewards and my citizens are scheduled to take the tablets after everything else. It would be good to be able to tell them which rewards should be taken back to the warehouse first - in some scenarios, this could lead to a failed mission if the tablets are taken to the warehouse slower than the Queen Impatience Meter fills up.


Marcin Chojnacki

If the Queen Impatience Meter fills up before they take the tablets to the warehouse and I lose the mission, it is frustrating on many levels. As a local governor figure, I should be able to direct the citizens in such a way to prioritize collection of rewards.


Marcin Chojnacki

As far as I was able to observe, rewards are taken to the warehouse from left to right.


Linda Karlsson

I agree on this. I have lost several games when waiting for a certain reward to be picked up so that I get an order done, for example Ancient Tablets.


Aron Pietron

Merged with: Priority


What do you guys think about letting us to choose which items should we took first from chests. I lost my game many times, because I needed something, and my minions decideded to take it as the last one.


Kevin Trigg

The ability to prioritize extracting a resource from an event before others.
I just had a run where I missed a timed order because I needed 6 packs of provisions. I found an abandoned cache that had them. With 30 seconds left on the order, my workers got 4 loads of pottery instead of the critical packs. A way to prioritize what is hauled out of these sorts of events first in priority would be greatly appreciated and remove my frustration from this occurrence.


Aron Pietron

Merged with: Extraction priority


Aron Pietron

Merged with: Extraction priority


Kevin Trigg

The ability to prioritize extracting a resource from an event before others.
I just had a run where I missed a timed order because I needed 6 packs of provisions. I found an abandoned cache that had them. With 30 seconds left on the order, my workers got 4 loads of pottery instead of the critical packs. A way to prioritize what is hauled out of these sorts of events first in priority would be greatly appreciated and remove my frustration from this occurrence.


Aron Pietron

Merged with: Ability to Change order of Cache/Event Rewards


It would be awesome if you could change the order of Cache/Event rewards when a cache is opened or an event is completed. When every second counts - it would be really nice to have this flexibility. It could be done as priority selectors on each reward.


Aron Pietron

Merged with: Let me choose which reward items haulers grab first


If I open a cache, let me raise the priority of reward items haulers/scouts grab first



it would be very nice to be able to prioritize which goods (from solved event) store first


Aron Pietron

Merged with: Goods store priority


I completed a fishman ligthhouse got 5 anchient-tablets but scouts took out leather and other stuf 1st so i lost while having a deliver 4 tablets quest


Mads Lorentsen

When abandoned caches are opened, you should be able to prioritize which resource is collected first.

A dangerous event ran out mere seconds before I could finish it, because the cache containing the materials I needed, was collected in the wrong order.


Aron Pietron

Merged with: Cache collect priority


I sometimes encounter glade events with some highly important resources and useless ones. For example - 3 ancients tablets, 20 meat, 20 herbs. It'd be great if I can mark the tablets (so I can finish an order/trade them etc') to be fetched first.


Aron Pietron

Merged with: Prioritize fetching from finished Glades Events


Mr. Sweaty

When you open a new dangerous glade. You might come across an event, that you don't have the resources to fix. So naturally, you'll look in the caches, to see if you can find one of the resources needed.
But you can't choose which resource you want your units to take first in caches, this can cause a problem due to the time limit.


Aron Pietron

Merged with: Being able to Priotize loot from caches


AdrenALI_ N

Hello, I'm currently playing a game where I would really like to prioritise looting the 3 ancient tablets from a nearby cache. I know from experience that I have no control over the order in which my workers loot the cache, and that unfortunately the Ancient Tablets will be last. Please allow me a similar prioritization other each separate item much like you do for build orders, resource deposits and so on. Thank you.


Aron Pietron

Merged with: Prioritise Loot Order Obtained from Caches Pls


When there are multiple rewards from an abandoned cache the villagers will retrieve them from left to right, meaning it can take much longer to reach the last resource, even if it's the coal they need to fuel the fire


Aron Pietron

Merged with: Prioritise/Sort Resources to be retrieved from Abandoned Cache


Sage of Antiquarian Esquivalience

Ability to change the order in which scouts bring back loot from glade events. Sometimes I want something specific out of a cache immediately to solve another event, or I want to get ancient tablets first in the scarlet orchard, but there's >50 items in the way.


Aron Pietron

Merged with: Reorder glade event loot


Plo koon

I would like to be able to prioritize the ressources that my scouts take back to the warehouse after opening a cache. Thanks.


Aron Pietron

Merged with: Cache ressources priority


Dawid Puszka

My people are collecting useless resources because it is first on a list. Please add option of changing what type of resources my people should store in first order


Aron Pietron

Merged with: Priority for collecting resources from events in the clearings


Aron Pietron

Merged with: Priority for unloading resources


Egor Kairis

Would be good to have priority for unloading resources from resource stashes. Right now resources unloading starting from left to the right, and in some cases it can affect game to the point you will lose.
1) You are opening dangerous glade that have dangerous event and resource stash;
2) You don't have enough resources for dangerous event, BUT you can get them from the stash;
3) You are rushing stash as fast as you can, stash is done, workers start to unload it, BUT the resource you need is 3d in a row, so you need to wait some time before workers will get it;
4) While you're waiting, the time's running out and you get penalty for outdated dangerous event;
5) You feel bad because you've done everything right, but what made you lose is the thing you don't have control over;
P.S. I'm still new to the game, so maybe this feature actually exist and will open later with the city upgrade (like haulers).


Aron Pietron


You should be able to priorize the reward you want to hawl first when resolving successful event



Agreed, you should be able to click on a reward and make that be the priority for it to be hauled away. I've been in many situations where I wanted something from a glade event to do something else, but had to wait a super long time for the scouts to decide to bring it back. This would be a nice quality of life addition!


For timed orders seconds matter and on multiple occasions I manage to get the required resources from a cache or glade event but the worker AI will get the required item last, missing the timed order. This feels like a loss of player agency for should have been a success but turned into a defeat.

  • A

Aron Pietron

Merged with: Set glade reward item priority


Aron Pietron

Merged with: Priorities for glade event loot


Elijah Goering

I often want to use loot from one event to solve another and it's annoying to need to collect tons of irrelevant resources first. This is especially bad with no harpy bonus or perk, when it can take a dozen or more trips to collect unwanted resources before the one you're waiting for.


Aron Pietron

Merged with: Priority on reward rescources


Pan Wołodyjowski

Option to prioritize which rescource should be taken first would be great.

Lets say we do some sort of challenge where time is critical and we base on cage's at this point.
Cage's might have many rescources.

Thanks, Oskar


Aron Pietron

Merged with: Priority Cache Item returns


Michael Keppel

I found I was in a situation where I needed a certain good to complete a glad event. I noticed I could get said good from breaking open a cache. However the lost on the timer still, because the item I required was the last on to be returned to the warehouse.

I think It would be good to have a type of priority system of picking up / returning those items, allowing for more synergy in opening cache / glade events completing in time.