Unassign woodcutter button should prefer non-beavers

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When assigning woodcutters using the button in the top toolbar, it prefers assigning beavers as woodcutters first, which is generally useful! However, when un-assigning one at a time, the button also prefers beavers first, which is usually not what I want to do.

At minimum, preferring non-beavers for removal first would be ideal (if it's possible to do when adding/removing evenly). Building off this other idea on the board's front page:


Being able to define an assignment/unassignment preference for woodcutters could be interesting. Like, say, "assign idle beavers first, then assign other villagers as evenly as possible (e.g. 1 lizard, 1 human, 1 lizard, 1 human, etc)."