Unique Resets

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Brandon Woods

Each new cycle you are prompted with multiple choices that will affect you entire next run. These will include perks and penalties, or standard can always be chosen.
Examples: A specific race will be in starting caravans, but it is limited to only two races each map.
Food production is doubled, but resources burn twice as fast in the hearth.


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This is a good idea. Would also be great to have Sealed Forest "loot drops or some reward box" that gives you unique changes or perks that affects the next cycle only.


Would be awesome. These cycles need to be more impactful


Guy Srinivasan

tldr: Every time the world map is reset, choose or randomize some prestige modifiers to other ones

First come up with a whole bunch more prestige modifiers, like buildings returning only half parts on destruction, or movement speed halved, or hearth radius significantly increased, or amber rewards from events halved. Balance them into maybe three tiers. Every time the world map resets, pick 5 prestige slots at random. Unlocked slots lose their current modifier and get replaced with a new random one of the same tier. Or maybe you choose from two possibilities for each slot, still same tier. Also maybe some slots like P9 are locked and always present at P9+ once unlocked.

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Aron Pietron

Merged with: Prestige modifiers per cycle, changing


Really important in my opinion to get the player hyped about that specific cycle and look forward to what surprises lie in the next


I love this idea! Could also add additional upgrades in the fortress that influence those resets in some way. Maybe sometimes some settlements survive, sometimes a cycle is longer... plenty of potential here


Also can work as a sink for meta resources, just add a reroll for perks and penalties.

Especially carefull if you add penalties, some people don't like playing with a game with an unfun/unpleasent modifier, but if you force they to play an entire cycle with it, they might just not slug througth it.


Derek Larson

This would be great to have to provide an organic feel to the broader game. It could also be a way to tie in a story and long-term objectives

My suggestion would be to have some major cyclic changes be out of the player's control, representing the source of conflict. Separate from that, there could be carryover effects from previous cycles based on the player's performance (in line with what OP wrote initially)

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It would be great to have a Theme for each Play-cycle. Some Buffs and Debuffs that are active for every Map this Cycle.

These Could be more Impactful and Set a Theme.

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Aron Pietron

Merged with: Cycle Wide Mods


KU Chapel

Additionally it can be a buffer from people abandoning colonies. Like if you abandon or fail a colony you lose all/last "current run perks"


Jon Boug

This has potential. It could be also be used to adjust game length for people, such as the three options including modifiers like "Storm is 15% shorter, but the queen expects more from you, reputation needed is +2" or "No time to waste! Queens impatience starts at 6, but reputation needed is -2"
This would give people a way to personalized their desired game lengths a bit (I, for example, liked the reputation limit where it was as i like the shorter games)

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