Highlight available production buildings in resource tooltip

  • Done


Currently when you hover a resource the tooltip lists buildings in which it can be produced but it doesn't highlight which ones are available to you (either built or have blueprint for it).
Picture #1.

Similar functionality already exists for resource nodes on the map which when hovered list camps required to gather it and highlights the ones available to you.
Picture #2.

Ideally it would also show the rank of the recipe in the list maybe next to the building name for example.
Picture #3.


Activity Newest / Oldest


Aron Pietron

Status changed to: Done


Robert W

When given the choice of a new building to add, a big factor in the decision is whether you can already create inputs to the goods. My suggestion is to have your owned buildings highlighted in the tooltip screen to aid in this decision.


Aron Pietron

Merged with: Highlight owned buildings


David Snedden

When looking at a tooltip there is a part at the bottom where it says an item is made. i.e. Copper Ore is produced by: Grill, Furnace, Stamping Mill, Smelter.

It would be really nice if the text was color coded to show you at a glance if you have that blueprint yet for a given run. It could help newer players not choose a quest requirement they cannot fulfill/better allow veterans to make informed decisions without having to refer to other UI menus in the game.



yeah that would be a much more easily readable bit of information than just a plain list of buildings that can produce the item.



Consider upvoting: feedback.eremitegames.com/b/suggestions-feature-requests/highlight-available-production-buildings-in-resource-tooltip/

Agree this would be super helpful and hope it gets attention.



#3 would be so helpful, whenever I'm managing recipes in buildings I want to know if I have another building that can produce it more efficiently. Or if I'm picking a blueprint, I want to know if I already have a blueprint that can produce its ingredients without backing out to the recipe screen.